Research Paper on Japanese Internment Camps

Japanese internment camps refer to the forcible transfer to special camps about 120 thousand Japanese people (of which 62% were American citizens) from the West coast of the United States during World War II. About 10 thousand were able to move to other parts of the country, the remaining 110 000 were imprisoned in the camp, officially called “military move” centres.

Use free sample research papers on Japanese internment camps to learn that in many publications, the camp were called the concentration camps. The internees could request the Court to review their case. (One of the interned Japanese Mitsui, Endo, appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States, which, having reviewed her case, ordered her release (1944).

The president Franklin Roosevelt authorized the internment, by signing the February 19, 1942, the Emergency Ordinance No. 9066, which authorized military authorities define the eviction area and move any civil person. As a result, all citizens of Japanese ancestry were forcibly evicted from the Pacific coast, including California and most of Oregon and Washington to the internment camps. Continue reading “Research Paper on Japanese Internment Camps”

Aztec Art Research Paper

In the Aztec world, there was a special group of intellectuals, who created sophisticated metaphors, poems, and kept the ancient traditions. They were referred to as “connoisseurs of things,” also known as tlamatins.

Use free sample research papers on Aztec art to know the role of the tlamatins was that they were able to confront the brutal military, mystic-military way of ministration to the gods in their own way: understanding the innermost part of the heavens through a sublime poems and aesthetic works.

Tlamatins could be the painters, sculptors, creating images, philosopher, aspiring their spirit to the heaven, and musicians, who heard the melodies of the heavenly spheres, and astrologers, who know the ways of the gods; in short, all those who were seeking the truth in the universe.

Among the tlamatins, Ashaya Katsin-Itscoal (1468-1481) particularly stood out. He was the sixth ruler of Tenochtitlan and Montesumo (at times of the conquest).

The Aztecs created a mature literature. Prose took the main place in Aztecs literature. It was mainly is religious, with a weakly expressed author’s individual psychology, and virtuay absent love line. Continue reading “Aztec Art Research Paper”

Research Paper on ISO

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an international organization dedicated to the development and adoption of standards.

Use free sample research paper on the topic to learn that the International Organization for Standardization was created in 1946, by twenty-five national organizations for standardization, on the basis of two organizations: the ISA (International Federation of the National Standardizing Association), founded in New York in 1926, (disbanded in 1942) and UNSCC (United Nations Standards Coordinating Committee), which was founded in 1944. In fact, its work began in 1947.

When the name for the organization was adopted, the need for the abbreviation name to sound the same in all languages was taken into account. For this purpose it was decided to use the Greek word ????, which means equal, that is why in all the languages of the world, the International Organization for standardization has the short name “ISO.”

The scope of ISO standardization concerns all fields except electrical and electronics, which are within the competence of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Some types of work are carried out by common efforts of these organizations. In addition to the standardization, ISO concerns the certification issues. Continue reading “Research Paper on ISO”

Dentistry Research Paper

Dentistry is the science that studies the structure, function, and pathology of oral cavity and maxillofacial area.

In more narrow sense, dentistry is a branch of medicine concerned with examining the teeth, their structure and functioning, their diseases, methods of their prevention and treatment, as well as diseases of the mouth, jaws, and the border areas of the face and neck.

Use free sample research papers on dentistry to learn that a specialist in dentistry is often referred to as a dentist (from Fr. dentiste), although the concept of dentist includes not only dentists, but as well dental nurses and dental technicians.

To repair and refine the teeth is a very old phenomenon. Already with the Cro Magnon-man who lived about 25 000 years ago damage to the teeth has been found. Both the ancient Egyptians and Sumerians used dentistry – and as late as in 2006, the French anthropologist Roberto Macchiarelli (a journalist from the Nature magazine) discovered, based on examination of teeth/jaws found in Islamic Republic of Pakistan, that man drilled teeth already 9000 years ago. Macchiarelli, found the nine skeletons (dated to 7000-5000 BC) having done sophisticated dental work (drilled holes with diameter of 3.5 mm). Continue reading “Dentistry Research Paper”

Research Paper on History of Body Modification

At the beginnings of the expansion in modern Western society, the of body modification was based on three subcultures: punks, modern savages, and fetishists. They became adepts of the phenomenon, which covered broad sectors of society and become truly universal by the 1980-1990’s of the 20th century. However, before talking about contemporary values, determined by the specific place, point group, we note that the body modification is not so young as it may seem at the first look on the neolith.

Use free sample research papers on the topic to learn that the history of body modification is not less than 10 thousand years old and has its origins in the African continent, the islands of Polynesia, as well as South and North America.

The history tells us that the Maasai tribe in Kenya is known for their ability to make giant holes in the ears of adults, and little smaller ones in those of their children. The piercing decorated with bead ornaments or wood is common there. In addition to that, their lips are decorated with up to several wood plates about the size of a good saucer. The women show off their marriage with long earrings of pearls, but not only them. The women of the Topos tribe still take out their lower teeth so that the teeth in the upper jaw pointed out as in cow, which is considered to be an example for a married woman; to their lower lip they have attached a long metal rod with a curved end. Continue reading “Research Paper on History of Body Modification”

Air Traffic Control Research Paper

Air Traffic Control (ATC) is a system of organizational and technical measures, ensuring order and safety of aircraft within the airspace and the exchange of information between air-traffic controllers and the aircraft crews via radio communications, navigation, and computing.

Students writing their research papers on air traffic control may use free sample research papers to learn that air traffic control is the responsibility of the State. In Europe, the ATC functions are exercised by the Unified Air Traffic Control System (EU ATC).

In recent years, the term Air Traffic Management with abbreviations ATM is frequently used.

ATC includes large network of control points: district centers at aircraft lines, airport and air traffic control point(, local control points, and so on.

The aircraft is managed under visual flight rules (VFR) or instrument flight rules (IFR). During a flight on VFR flight crews are required to visually monitor other aircrafts (to avoid collisions), and should not be in the zone, with low clouds and poor visibility. The RFP used by crews operating aircraft instruments in the absence of Visual contact with the ground or other aircraft. Continue reading “Air Traffic Control Research Paper”

Japanese Art Research Paper

The history of Japanese art is inextricably linked to the spread of Buddhism, which came to Japan in the VI century. Buddhism contributed to the involvement of Japan in the centuries-old cultural traditions of the East in India, China, and Korea. In the process of creating works for religious practices, and learning the experience of the Chinese and Korean Masters, the national schools of sculpture, painting, and crafts was formed.

Use free sample research papers on Japanese art to understand that it is under the influence of Zen Buddhism, infiltrated from China at the turn of the 12-13 centuries, and Chinese monochrome landscape period, Sun (10-13 centuries), that the monochrome ink painting (Japanese sujbokuga) appeared in Japan, which, in one way or another, determined the subsequent development of Japanese painting.

During the 15th and 16th centuries, under the influence of Zen Buddhism, an original artistic phenomenon-the tea ceremony tanoyu (literally, “hot water for tea”) became popular in Japan. During the ceremony, the participants drank pounded into powder green tea brewed with boiling water, whipped the whisk directly in a ceramic cup. Pretty soon, the tea ceremony spread in all sectors of society. Its growing popularity becomes a powerful impetus to the development of ceramic production. Continue reading “Japanese Art Research Paper”

Cooperative Society Research Paper

Cooperative society is a membership-based association of people or organizations established to pursue common economic and social goals related to material or other needs of members who have shares in this fund, recognize the risks and results of the organization and participate in its functioning as a shareholder, controlling it democratically.

Use free sample research papers on cooperative society to learn that cooperative is an economic enterprise based on collaboration and mutual support of members of the cooperative. The cooperative society has a direct relations to the economic interests of its members. It is based on cooperative principles. The basic principle: one shareholder of the cooperative is one voice that is fundamentally different from the “power” of capital in the management of business entities.

Cooperative societies are also one of the types of associations, which, on the basis of a general meeting, form cooperative associations. Most often, this interpretation applies to country-building and agricultural cooperatives to form associations in order to better meet the needs of cooperative members. However, the association of cooperatives is most commonly formed by the municipal offices for the district in which this association may be formed. Continue reading “Cooperative Society Research Paper”

Research Paper on Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a system of teachings and practices originating in ancient China, and was developed from the close observation of the human body functioning and subsequent systematization of those observations using a characteristic for this region paradigm that can be described as a doctrine of symbols and numbers.

Try some free sample research papers on Chinese medicine to learn that in the mid-1950’s, China has revived interest in ancient teachings and practices, at this time TCM finally has emerged as a kind of alternative medicine and was positioned by the Government as a national treasure, a symbol of China, and as a scientific discipline. After 1972, when borders became more transparent, TCM has received a significant spread in Western countries.

TCM has been the subject of criticism for the absence of scientific grounds, for it being used instead of conventional medicine with doubtful effectiveness, possible side effects, the use of toxic and contaminated drugs, environmental threats due to the destruction of animals and plants, including rare and endangered species, promoting the creation of a black market in organs of animals and illegal trade. It is often considered by the science and evidence-based medicine as pseudoscientific and based on metaphysical assumptions. Continue reading “Research Paper on Chinese Medicine”

The Andromeda Galaxy Research Paper

The Andromeda Galaxy (or Andromeda, M 31, NGC 224) is a spiral galaxy type Sb, the largest Galaxy of the local group. It is the nearest large galaxy to the Milky Way Galaxy. The Andromeda Galaxy contains roughly 1 trillion stars that 2.5-5 times more than in the Milky Way. It is located in the constellation of Andromeda and become separated from the Earth at a distance of 2.52 million light years. The plane of the Galaxy is inclined at an angle of 15°, its apparent size is 3.2 × 1.0°, apparent magnitude is +3, 4 m.

Use free sample research paper on the topic to learn that the first written mention of the Andromeda Galaxy was written in the Catalogue by Azophi, the Persian astronomer, in 946. The first description of the object based on telescopic observation was given by German astronomer Simon Marius in 1612. When creating his famous catalogue, Charles Messier catalogued the object under the definition of M 31, mistakenly attributing its discovery to Marius. In 1785, William Herschel noted little red speck in the center of M 31. He believed the galaxy to be the nearest of all the nebulae, and calculated the distance to it (entirely untrue), equivalent to 2000 distances between the Sun and Sirius. Continue reading “The Andromeda Galaxy Research Paper”