Healthy Lifestyle Research Paper

A healthy lifestyle is the way of living helping to prevent illnesses in our body and strengthening of our health.

The representatives of the philosophical-sociological direction regard healthy lifestyle as a global social problem, a component part of our society as a whole. However, there is still no clear concept. On the estimations of the experts, our health for 50-55% depends exactly on the way we live, for 20% on our environment, for 18-20% on our genetic predisposition, and only for 8-10% on our health care system.

Writing of a decent research paper on healthy lifestyle is a wonderful opportunity to explore numerous facets of this multi-faceted issue and prepare an urgent and interesting research proposal on the topic.

The phychoeducational direction considers the healthy way of life from the standpoint of consciousness, psychology, and motivation. There are other points of view (for example, biomedical), however, there is no sharp verge between, as all they aim one problem – strengthening of our health.

In a narrow biological sense, the question is about physiological adaptation possibilities of our body to the influences of our environment and the functioning of our internal systems.

There are a number of various opinions on the matter, but majority consider the following as basic:

  • Training in a child healthy habits and skills;
  • Adjusting to environment: finding safe and friendly place to habitation, knowledge about the influence of surrounding objects on our health;
  • Refusing the bad habits: tobacco smoking, drinking alcohol, doing drugs;
  • Proper nutrition: moderate, corresponding to the physiological features of certain man; using clean, natural food and water;
  • Physical activity: physically active life, engaging in special physical exercises (for example, gymnastics), taking into account the age-related and physiological features;
  • Proper hygiene: maintenance of the personal and public hygiene, possession of skills of the first aid;

A healthy lifestyle is pre-condition for development of different facets of a human personality, achievement of the active longevity and proper fulfillment of social functions, for active voice in working, public, domestic, leisure forms of its vital functions.

The urgency of a healthy lifestyle is caused by the increase and change of quality of the stress affecting our organism, as a result of increasingly complex social activity, the increase of the technogenic, ecological, psychological, political and military risks, provoking negative changes in our health.

The impact of a healthy lifestyle on the people of senior age is also worth mentioning. As research has shown, elderly people need to be engaged in physical activities optimal for their age. At insufficient physical activity leads to obesity, metabolic diseases, risk of diabetes mellitus, violation of the gastrointestinal tract functioning. But again, the amount of physical activities have to correspond to the age.

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