Term Paper on Administration and Supervision of Schools

Administration and supervision of schools is the problem which is related with the organization of the school life, the student’s curriculum, energy and water supply, tent of the school building, etc. Obviously, every institution requires professional administrating, and educational institutions are not the exceptions. Every school and university has a teaching board and administrators of higher levels who share their teaching duties with administrating and supervision. For example, a teacher can perform other functions instead of teaching, like supervising the graduate students who are going to defend their academic degrees.

Moreover, a teacher can be also a chief manager of various entertaining and cultural events at school. Of course, more serious and technical issues are fulfilled by the administrators of the specific spheres, like accounting. All the salaries are distributed by the school accountants who analyze the information about the school’s finance and make sure that the financial condition of the school is positive.

There are also administrators who are responsible for the constant and quality supply of water and electricity or gas to the school in order to provide students and the teacher’s staff with the normal working conditions. Furthermore, school administration is responsible for the renovation of the school building and they organize the collecting of finance for this process. When there is a need for the new furniture or appliances, like computers and chemical substances for the school experiments for the lessons of chemistry, the school administration also offers its hand. All in all, school administration touches upon every process which occurs within the walls of a school with the aim to make the educational process quality and useful for students.

Administration and supervision of school is a serious and important problem which requires scrupulous attention, because many school still require donating for the improvement of their quality. The student who is writing a term paper about the matter is able to observe the problem in detail and compose an informative and useful research of the problem. One should touch upon the most relevant and important problems of modern schools and enumerate all the processes which are controlled by the school administration. Finally, it is reasonable to share the student’s personal opinion about the improvement of administration and supervision of the problematic schools.

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