Research Paper on Legalizing Steroids

To understand why anabolic steroids need legalizing we should consider first what it is.

Anabolic steroids are synthetic analogs of testosterone chemically modified to reduce the androgenic effects (specific to male sexual characteristics), increase the anabolic effects (allow the synthesis of substances including promoting increased muscle mass) and reduce the incidence of adverse effects.

Some authors use a common terminology for androgens and anabolic steroids: they simply called steroids, because they have the same basic chemical structure.

Anabolic steroids are prohibited substances, which are used to increase physical capacity of an athlete. This practice is contrary to the ethics of sport and can harm the physical and mental integrity of the athlete.

It comes to doping behavior when a person consumes a chemical or drug to face an obstacle, real or perceived, and/or to improve his or her performance, whether physical, intellectual, artistic… There is no one but a multitude of doping behavior: nothing comparable in effect between the student who uses supplements just vitamins during an examination period and those who consume regular or high-dose anabolic to increase their weight or improve physical performance or to push the limits of fatigue.

The beginnings of the human use of substances to improve the capacity of the organization date back about 5000 years. At that time, anti-fatigue properties of certain plants such as ephedra (including derivative ephedrine, a stimulant still used today by athletes) were known by various civilizations.

To 750 years before Christ, when the Olympic Games became very popular and were accompanied by grand honors for triumphant athletes, already, athletes were looking to increase their performance through nutrition.

Several centuries later, the use of plants for stimulating becomes widespread in the world: Kola nut is consumed by many people in tropical Africa for the virtues of physical, sexual and intellectual stimulation of the seeds, the leaves and Iboga roots increased endurance of Gabon people, coca leaves were chewed by various populations of South America to reduce feelings of hunger, fatigue, and cold and Tyrol locals used for themselves and their animals small amounts of naturally occurring arsenic to combat fatigue and respiratory disorders.

More recently, in 1930, there has been the discovery of androgens (male hormones). Kenyon and colleagues note that the administration of testosterone to men with hypogonadism (testicular deficiency) stimulates muscle growth. Quickly, several derivatives (they were called anabolic steroids) were synthesized and used in humans to increase physical performance. In 1939, steroids were given to German troops to increase aggressiveness in combat. Steroid use was widespread in the 1950s among Olympic athletes.

In 1976 , the International Olympic Committee (IOC) introduced tests for steroids in urine Olympics in Montreal. Athletes then started to use products that mask anabolic steroids consumption in order to avoid detection. In 1988, during the Olympic Games in Seoul, sophisticated methods of detecting small amounts of steroids in urine were introduced. Ben Johnson was disqualified and expelled from the games after a test has revealed the presence of stanozolol.

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