Term Paper on Determinism

Determinism is the study about the interconnection of all the processes and events, which can be described in the easy way – every process causes the only one definite result and these two processes are interconnected being the result of one another. Determinism is a deep philosophical thought which is used in numerous branches of the human thought. For example, there is theological determinism which claims that the human life, all the natural and physical processes and events are the result of the will of God; in cosmic determinism all the processes happen due to the power of the nature; in anthropological determinism – due to the human will. According to the concept of determinism such qualities as freedom of thought, ambitiousness, activity, opposition, responsibility, etc are useless, because the human being is not able to change her fate and redesign her life.

Very often determinism is confused with fatalism, which has the similar positions about the total weakness and senseless of the human activity.

The total opposition towards determinism is indeterminism, which claims that the human being has a freedom of though and activity and is able to change her fate, as the human life depends directly on her actions. Determinism is not only applied in theology and anthropology but also in sciences. The brightest example is physics, because this science is completely built according to the principles of determinism. The explanation to this fact is easy, because all the laws of physics are stable and logical, so that one process and modification of a variable causes the definite result which can be only one, without any other alternatives.

Determinism is an ancient philosophic concept which can be analyzed by the student in the form of a term paper. The young person has the opportunity to focus on the peculiarities of determinism and observe it in all the forms of the human thought – theology, sciences, social sciences, etc. It is reasonable to pay attention to the explanation of the main idea of determinism and compare it to other similar concepts in philosophy. The student is expected to illustrate the historical development and variations of determinism to illustrate the route of the motion of the human thought and predict the application of the concept in order branches of the human activity.

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