When Joseph Stalin died in March, 1953, an outstanding era of history has come to an end, the world realized. The reaction varied from country to country but there were two geopolitical units, whose inhabitants felt that this fact would influence their life and the future – these were the countries -protagonists of the Cold War – the USSR (The Soviet Union) and the United States.
No doubt, Stalin’s death was a critical moment in the history of the Soviet Union and of the Cold War, which happened only to begin developing by that time (although many though it was over).
The historians of the Cold War call the period after Stalin’s death “Escalation and Crisis”. It is notable that for both superpowers this period started with the change in leadership in 1953. And it would last through the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, the erection of the Berlin Wall in 1961 to the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. Continue reading “History Essay on Death of Stalin”