The causes of criminal behavior have been studied by many psychologists and sociologies who tried to identify what pushes people to commit crimes. Some of the researchers claim that delinquent behavior can be explained by the set of following factors: income level, social environment, and cultural background. If the first two factors have much described and analyzed, the cultural context remains at the point of debate.
This research aims to find out whether the ethnic origin can predict the possible criminal behavior. The target population chosen for investigation is Asians with the particular emphasis being made on psychopathic juveniles.
lot has been written about the criminal behavior of African Americans, but not a lot of research has
been done on Asians. The vast availability of research on Blacks can be explained – African
Americans commit the majority of the juvenile crimes, and this tendency made sociologists think
about the roots of such trend. Asians, similar to other minority as well as majority groups, commit
crimes which can be explained in the same manner as the rest. The assumption is that crimes
committed by Asians are different from the crimes committed by other ethnic groups. The question
arises – whether the cultural background can impact the predisposition to delinquent behavior. In
the course of this research paper, I will try to show that even though Asians commit somewhat
different crimes, the delinquent behavior is the result of social interactions and environment they
live in rather than cultural peculiarities. Continue reading “Criminal Behavior Research Paper”