Indian Education Essay Sample

Westernization is the greatest challenge to the preservation of certain heritage languages and cultural practices across the globe. The popular use of English and other w western languages has led to the erosion of many languages in Asia and Africa (Wiley, Terrence G., et al., 124). However, many communities are struggling to restore their cultural heritage through continuous training and educational programs geared towards informing the people of the cultural benefits of their local languages and cultural beliefs. Even though it is difficult to restore them in totality, the idea is that preserving certain fundamental aspects of social history is beneficial for the sustainability of the culture. India has rolled out certain educational programs geared towards promoting heritage language as well as the cultural connection among people other the various cultural beliefs. Though it is faced with a lot of challenges, the program is beneficial to the country’s cultural and language preservation.

Identity Creation
Due to the use of western languages and the inception of western culture in many parts of the country, many languages and cultural beliefs continue to become extinct. In India for example, many languages have almost become extinct. Additionally, there are minority groups that have since been forced to use the national languages and other languages that are majorly used by the majority group. In the process, most of these communities have lost their identities. Some of them assimilate into other cultures the phenomenon is a threat to history and the posterity of such communities (Montrul, 87). Therefore, the government of India through the support of other community organizations has resolved to roll out programs where the languages are promoted and in a big way made to thrive despite the neglect.

Through these programs, the languages and cultural practices are given both national and international limelight thereby creating a sense of identity. In essence, the identity arises when the people feel that their language and cultural practices are important and respected. In the process, they feel proud of their history. Additionally, publication and documentation is another significant way of achieving identity. Through the programs, documentation and identification of these languages can be done based on their regional existence (Shin, 79). The media also used these platforms to market their products and therefore brings them to the attention of the public and in the process promote their use. For cultural practices, their publication influences the perception of people about them and also makes proud the people who practice them since it in a way legitimizes them.

Reduce Language Loss
Over the years, many languages have become extinct because they are either not spoken or are discouraged through the use of the western language of a county’s majority language as well as the inception of the western culture. Education as well contributes to language loss since the scheduling of most of the programs is done in English and other western languages. Therefore, the people of India, especially from minority groups, spend a lot of time using other languages compared to the amount of time they use in their local languages. Therefore, some of these languages have become extinct in the long run while others are on the verge of becoming extinct. The Indian government, however, has resolved to solve the extinction problem through the inception of these programs that greatly act as preservation programs for the various languages.

Through the educational programs, these languages are documented and taught to different people who can pass them to other generations. In the process, the heritage languages are not easily extinct, and the restoration of others in cases where they were fully extinct. Additionally, the publication of these languages in journals and other print media also goes a long way in helping prevent their extinction. Through the educational programs, many people get to learn these languages and be able to speak them. In the process, it is easy, to spread them to the majority of the population. Ultimately, the languages are preserved and protected against loss of both value and certain terminologies that may be significant to the country. Therefore, the government and the nation at large benefits from the program since it can preserve its cultural heritage which is a fundamental aspect of a country’s development.

Cultural Preservation
Culture is a fundamental aspect of a country’s development. Therefore, it is important to check on the cultural erosion of any given society and in a way bring solutions to the contentious issue. Though education is a major contributor to cultural erosion and change, it is also notable that the same education can be used to restore and preserve cultural heritage in many parts of the world. For India, the educational programs put in place to promote cultural heritage are very beneficial, since they help bring people from various cultural groups in one place. The aspect of togetherness also allows people to special the culture of others and thereby asserts a certain extent of authority on the various cultural practices of the people.

Evidently, most of these programs are broadcasted live and also published in the local dailies. In the process, many people learn about the practices and can also practice these that they find relevant or interesting to them. Consequently, people learn about the significance of culture and the need for restoring and preserving it. Therefore, the society is enlightened in such a way that many people understand why they must preserve their culture much as they also have to embrace the western culture that has come with technological advancement. Therefore, the country benefits immensely from the educational programs since much of its cultural heritage is preserved the preservation of cultural heritage also brings about other benefits to the nation both regarding local development and foreign exchange often used in developing other sectors of the economy. In the end, the government and the people equally benefit in one way or the other as partners in the program.

Educational Benefit
Culture and language also form part of s country’s educational system. For India, the programs are very significant in that they help the entire population to understand the history of the country and the various languages that are available (Valdés, Menken, and Castro, 167). Therefore, many students of history also take advantage of the programs to learn new things that may not have featured in their class work. The forums have also used centers where people can learn since there are a lot of materials where the issues are documented both for the present and future generations. With the increased number of publications, most of the books and journals find their way into schools where they are finally put into use by the students and even the instructress to get more information. The publications can also get educated from the broadcast of these forums or their subsequent publication in the local dailies. Through reading, the people can get to understand their history and to appreciate their culture in the best way possible. Ultimately, both the government and the public benefit from the programs by creating a well-informed society that is cognizant of its history.

Creation of Opportunities
Just like any other programs, the educational projects by the Indian government provide business opportunities for the population in different aspects. First, the programs cannot take place without trainers who understand the history and the Indian culture in detail. Therefore, most of these people must come from the population. In the process, many people get jobs which allow them to earn revenue for their families and be also cater to their other needs. The process of presentation also requires the provision of certain services. Through government tenders, members of the public can earn money from the projects (Bartlett, 97). Money is the driver of the economy thereby allows these citizens to take part in other businesses and in the process helps an in developing other sectors of the economy. In cases where the organizers need professional consultancies them also citizens get the opportunity. Most importantly, the programs also provide business opportunities for small business persons who provide certain products like water, food and other necessities that people may need in the process. Therefore, these programs provide a wide range of opportunities to the population of India both al local and national levels.

Economic Significance
The Economic significance of these programs is also unprecedented. Where the government in conjunction wants to shoe the various cultural exhibitions, many tourists often attend to be part of the interesting exhibitions that that may attract the attention of both local and international tourists. Through the fees that are paid to be part of such programs, the government can collect a lot of revenue in the form of foreign exchange. The money earned is therefore used in developing other sectors of the economy. Therefore, it is notable that India has made a lot of steps in uplifting its economic status is due to the programs. The country also collects internal revenue through domestic tourists who are also interested in getting to understand the Indian culture (Rodríguez, 156). Ultimately, the programs also lead to the production of books and other reading materials which when sold, earns the government revenue used in the development of other sectors. The monetary value of the project is therefore significant and often reflects in the economic development of the country given that it can generate a lot of revenue.

A country’s culture directly influences its economic development. Language identifies different people and thereby giving them a cultural identity. The Indian educational programs have gone a long way in promoting both heritage language and culture of the Indian minorities. Through the programs, a lot of languages have survived extinction while many others are under preservation. Ultimately, the programs contribute to India’s socio-economic development in many ways. The future of India’s culture depends on how this preservation will take place shortly. Documentation of Indian culture should not be done biased manner as it may present incorrect information that ultimately alters the original information. The alteration may not be healthy for the history of India’s culture.

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Works Cited
Bartlett, Lesley, and Monisha Bajaj. "Nonformal bilingual education." (2015).
Montrul, Silvina. The acquisition of heritage languages. Cambridge University Press, 2015.
Rodríguez, Diane, Angela Carrasquillo, and Kyung Soon Lee. The bilingual advantage: Promoting academic development, biliteracy, and native language in the classroom. Teachers College Press, 2014.
Shin, Sarah J. Bilingualism in schools and society: Language, identity, and policy. Routledge, 2017.
Valdés, Guadalupe, Kate Menken, and Mariana Castro, eds. Common Core, bilingual and English language learners: A resource for educators. Philadelphia, PA: Caslon Publishing, 2015.
Wiley, Terrence G., et al., eds. Handbook of heritage, community, and Native American languages in the United States: Research, policy, and educational practice. Routledge, 2014.