How to Write a Thesis Statement for an Argumentative Essay

To complete any piece of writing, students have to pass several writing stages. These are the introduction, thesis statement, main body, and conclusion. It’s allowed beginning with any part. Thus, some folks prefer to write the main body and conclusion, but complete the introduction in the end. Nevertheless, none can be skipped. A thesis statement is a small part, which isn’t always indicated in writing guides because of its size. It’s a small claim, which consists of one or two sentences and it’s located at the end of the introduction. Many students begin from it because it’s the central idea of the entire paper.

Though it’s small in size, most students have great problems with it and are even afraid of it. The purpose of a thesis statement is to explain your audience why a researcher has chosen it and why it’s so important for the readers. When you try to write your thesis, take into account the essay type. The task may become even more difficult if the type of an essay is likewise difficult by its nature. Some students experience difficulties with an argumentative essay. Therefore, this guide teaches how to write a thesis statement for an argumentative essay.

First of all, it is vital to understand what a thesis statement is. A thesis statement:

  • Consists of one or two sentences. It’s allowed to write more thesis sentences if the assignment is very long. Nevertheless, 1-2 sentences show how unique and special a student may be.
  • Clearly states the main problem of the research.
  • Takes into account the preferences of the audience.
  • Is centered only on debatable topics.
  • Explains the choices of the writer.
  • Claims that it will be supported later in the research.
  • Is narrow and specific.

Always keep these points in your memory. No matter what assignment type you have to write, your thesis should possess these qualities.

Definition of an argumentative essay

To understand how to craft a thesis statement for an argumentative paper, we should understand the definition of an argumentative essay. If you’re assigned this essay type, you ought to choose a certain problem and review it from two opposite sides. A researcher is free to highlight both sides equally. However, most people prefer to choose one standpoint and prove that it’s correct and the opposite one is wrong. You should opt for an argument, support it with sub-arguments and proper examples to prove that your theory is the right one.

Preparing your thesis

Your thesis strongly depends on the topic. Always take into account the title and write the main claim. To come up with a good claim, you should work a bit and generate several ideas. Therefore, brainstorm all the ideas that occur to your mind. Write a list of those ideas. Afterward, refine the list. Jot down the most interesting and valuable points to choose a single concept.

While you choose a good concept, take into account two important points. Firstly, consider the opinion of your audience. Define who your readers are. What is their age? What are their main values? What they are interested in? If you answer these questions, you’ll receive a better understanding of how to form your thesis.

Secondly, make your statement as narrow as possible. This task is similar to a topic selection. You cannot cover a too broad sphere, quality, industry, or something like that. You have a word limit that cannot be exceeded. Consequently, students have to narrow their research to an issue that can be disclosed within a concrete word limit. For example, you cannot write an essay about political life in general. You can make it more specific if you indicate the region. Thus, you can write about political life in the USA. However, it may be not enough and you may have to make it narrower. Thus, you can write about some recent political events or argue two main political parties of the country, which are the Democrats and Republicans.

Your thesis is dependent on the essay you’re assigned. An argumentative thesis should choose a clear standpoint that should be defended by the writer. It should never tell the final purpose of your research. You cannot write such theses like – This research shows that you should support the Democratic Party. Instead of such claims, write the following concepts – While life in the USA demands innovative and effective reforms, we should vote for the party that is able to ensure them.

As you can see, the latter example provides readers with the main purpose of the project. Nevertheless, it didn’t report the final purpose. The readers will know what side you’ve chosen only at the end of the debate.

Stick to these tips about how to create a strong thesis statement for your essays. Thus, you’ll surely handle this task. Otherwise, you can easily apply for expert writing assistance from WriteMyPaperHub.