Clinical Decision Making Essay

There is a difference between evidence-based and clinical practices in treating conditions facing patients. The significant gaps in the decision-making concerning the treatment show the need for an elaborate plan to gather information quickly to help decide the treatment that healthcare professionals can administer to a patient who gets an accident. It has become obvious that two systems are used in helping unconscious patients. System 1 deals with the intuitive idea that health care professionals may lack the opportunity to examine the patient using the approved standards. The second system deals with analyzing the evidence of the existence of a condition in a person. Although the second system could take a longer time to address the condition, it would be the most appropriate one to address such patients like those who experience falls. Proper decision-making in clinical health has to take three specific steps: collecting evidence, assessing severity, and management.

In dealing with my fall condition, clinical decision-making needed to happen, and it involved exploring the underlying condition. According to Zavala et al. (2017), the primum non-nocere principle requires that patient well-being be the center of attention in any treatment procedure. Clinicians, therefore, have the responsibility to make the right decisions that will improve the chances of recovery of patients. In dealing with my fall, the clinician needed to diagnose my condition before administering any medication. The clinician prioritized examining the various parts of my body that were hurting. Such gave the clinician the idea of the extent of the impact of the fall to ensure that the health care professionals gave the appropriate medication.

Making the right decision about the conditions that I faced was not solely decision-making based on evidence. According to Houser (2018), the combination of different approaches to decision-making is important to maximize the outcomes. The experience of the clinicians provides insight in handling different conditions that a patient experiences. In addressing my fall, the clinician’s experience played a part in ensuring that the tests happened on the right part of the body. The intuitive decision-making system provided the first approach in creating the idea of the extent of the injuries that I had experienced. Choosing the urgency of management and the specific medication that would work best for my condition involved combining both the evidence-based approach and the use of the intuitive approach that develops through experience. The process of management of my fall required a combination of the various sources of knowledge about its severity and the need for urgent treatment.

Exploring the conditions of a patient is necessary to ensure that all the patients can obtain the highest quality of health care. Depending on one source of information about the condition may affect clinicians’ decision in recommending a management plan. The use of the intuitive and evidence-based approach helps develop the most appropriate method of dealing with any condition. In my case of a fall, the clinician examined the application of evidence-based practice and used the intuitive method to predict the exact tests to conduct and the right medication for the condition. Combining the different approaches in the treatment help to come up with the right process of managing conditions that individuals face. The process of managing the impact of my fall was a success because the clinician involved followed all the approaches that were at their disposal.

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Houser, J. (2018). Nursing research: Reading, using and creating evidence (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett.
Zavala, A. M., Day, G. E., Plummer, D., & Bamford-Wade, A. (2017). Decision-making under pressure: medical errors in uncertain and dynamic environments. Australian Health Review, 42(4), 395-402.