Issues that Threaten Global Environment Essay

The global community has been placed into two major categories by many researchers, which include the developed and developing world. The situations in each of these worlds are completely different, and so is the reality of members. When placing priorities on the threats to global environment, the concerns of the different countries are diversified. For instance, while Burundi feels that ensuring food security is a top issue of concern, Austria is adamant that the major concerns is to mediate the problem of ceasefires in the case of civil war. This approach illustrates the different realities that people living in both countries experience. Therefore, in providing an unbiased perspective on this matter, this paper will focus on issues that cut across the board, regardless of the different realities. The four issues that will be addressed include globalization, civil war, climate change, and energy sources.

Globalization is the general integration of communities across the world. This aspect has been a reality in social, economic, and political spheres. Globalization has also brought with it many benefits, especially in the economic sphere. For instance, trade has been made possible across seas. The art of specialization has also become more advanced. This specialization has brought with it advancements, especially in supply chain. In addition, companies can now cut down on costs and make much more, while meeting the demands of their consumers, thanks to globalization. There is no doubt that globalization has benefitted many people across the world, regardless of where they live or come from. People can access quality health and education in other countries if they are unsatisfied with what their nation offers. Rules on immigration have made this aspect possible. While globalization has its positive side, it has negative aspects as well. For instance, issues of terrorism and radicalism have been largely fueled by globalization. Countries also find themselves complexly integrated in the affairs of other nations (Oyeevar and Martin et al., 190-202). This process is how globalization has made it. After all, the welfare of one country affects that of another, which means that globalization is an issue of concern. The effects of globalization not only cut across the board, but also affect the sustainability of economic, social, and ecological spheres of countries in the world. This aspect makes it a top priority.

Civil war has a long history, even before imperialism. While not all countries are involved in civil wars, it is evident in considerable number of nations. What makes this situation an issue even more is the fact that many other countries are involved indirectly. For instance, when Ukraine was in the wake of a coup de tat, Russia was involved in its affairs. The United States also joined and the larger European Union. While many countries that concern themselves with issues of war have their own interests, it is clear that the issue of civil war affects many nations. Looking at it from another perspective, when major fuel producing countries are faced with civil war, the economies of other nations are likely to decline. The reason for this assertion is that fuel prices go up and there is a general inflation on other products that are dependent on oil for production (Maher and David, 35). In this way, the civil war has ripple effects on other countries that do not actively face the conflict. Civil war, therefore, threatens social, economic, and ecological stability, which makes it a major priority in the threats to global environment.

Climate change also affects all countries in the world. As early as the 19th century, the world has been facing global warming among other changes that have completely changed the climate. These changes have been attributed to by reckless human behavior, such as deforestation and emission of toxic gases. Demographics also indicate a general surge in the world population, which calls for more settling ground and production. In the process, forests have been cleared for settlement and setting up of industries. Industries also emit harmful gases such as carbon monoxide. Put together, these happenings contribute largely to climate change. Drought and famine are also after effects of the situation. In addition, flooding during rainy seasons has been on the increase. Moreover, heat waves are being experienced now than before. If a country misses one of these phenomena, it does not miss the other (The United Nations). Therefore, these phenomena not only endanger human life, but also that of animals and other living beings. For this reason, it is a threat to economic, social, and ecological sustainability, making it a top issue of concern.

Energy sources, for a large part, contribute to economic, social, and ecological sustainability, as defined in the Sustainable Development Goals. Energy sources can be traced back to since the invention of fire. Man has continuously progressed since that time. In the 19th century, the use of energy sources was at its peak, especially during the industrial revolution. Coal was also largely use in power industries. Over time petroleum and fossil fuels also came into the picture. In as much as these fuels brought in so many advancements, overtime, they began to bring in more harm than good. In addition, unsustainable sources of energy contribute negatively to climate change. This situation calls for efforts to curb this problem by turning to sustainable energy (Tun 35). All countries are victims of unsustainable energy sources. Recent research indicates that there is progress in enforcing usage of sustainable sources throughout the world. However, because of the threat energy sources pose to sustainability, especially ecological sustainability, it remains a top priority.

The issues addressed above are concerns that affect all countries in the world, directly or indirectly. For a larger part, they affect the world directly. For this reason, they have been placed as top priorities when proposing threats to global environment.

Additionally, many other concerns that are country specific can be addressed through these issues. For instance, in the case of Burundi, food security is a top priority. However, instead of just prioritizing food security, it is important to dig the issues that lead to food insecurity. One of those issues is climate change. Therefore, by addressing climate change, the United Nations will be touching on food security indirectly. Solutions to the issue of climate change will also resultantly affect agricultural outcomes, which consequently enable food security. Inappropriate application of technology can also be addressed under globalization. The reason for this assertion is that technology has enabled globalization for a larger part, which means that its misuse can be addressed under this issue. As such, people from either the developed world or the developed nations should first focus on issues that affect them collectively. When addressing these issues, other problems that are specific to countries, depending to where they fall, can be addressed. That way, everyone’s perspective is put into consideration. This approach enhances peace and cohesion without having some countries feeling left out.

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Works Cited
Maher, David. "Civil War, Development and Economic Globalization." Civil War and Uncivil Development, 2018, pp. 1-38.
Oyevaar, Martin, et al. "The Impact of Globalization on Sustainable Development." Globalization and Sustainable Development, 2016, pp. 182-209.
The United Nations. "Goal 13: Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform." Home: Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform, http:// Accessed 24 Feb 2019.
Tun, Maw M. "An Overview of Renewable Energy Sources and Their Energy Potential for Sustainable Development in Myanmar." European Journal of Sustainable Development Research, vol. 3, no. 1, 2019.