The Reasons for the End of Imperialism Essay

The Reasons for the End of Imperialism
Imperialism represents one of the most influential political currents, which affects the global economical, trade, and communicative order. The specifics of the presented political current presents the orientation on the dominance of the specific country in the arena of global politics. The source of power relates to the trading, manufacturing, and the possession of the colonies. However, Imperialism represents the highest scale of Capitalism because of the orientation specifically on the wealthy unit, which controls the process of manufacturing undermining the rights of the employees. Therefore, the reasons for the cessation of Imperialism, represent the economic maintenance of the country’s army, civilians during WWI, the necessity to stabilize the national economy after WWII, and the overall intention to stop the dominance of the individualistic bourgeoisie.

First and foremost, it is essential to consider the major peculiarity of Imperialism, which presents the orientation on the power of one nation with a supremacist attitude towards the abroad community. The point means that the country adheres mainly to the regime of isolation, meaning the orientation on domestic manufacturing in both nourishment products, commodities, weapons, etc. The point does not mean the absence of partnership; on the contrary, the countries maintain export trading links, which, however, determines the supremacist nature of the manufacturer. The instance of the identified manufacturing outperformance represents Great Britain, which in terms of the Industrial Revolution optimizes and so outperforms the competitors in manufacturing specifics and production of the cotton commodities. Regarding the analyzed position of the manufacturing and trading specifics, the end of Imperialism starts with the beginning of WWI. Disregarding the overall mass of the manufactured products, the states need to support the army, as well as the common civilians, which leads to the decrease in the distribution of the commodities to the other countries.

Regarding the presented position of the decrease in the trade specifics, it is essential to mention that the amassed number of commodities were preserved for the activation, mobilization, and maintenance of the community’s needs, which leads to the mitigation of the supremacist perspective of the community. The second consideration, which should be identified, indicates the relation between Imperialism and Colonialism. Thus, the terms are similar, they have different meanings. Imperialism focuses on the global dominance of the Empire – a country, which outperforms the rivals in the economy, trade, military, healthcare factors, etc. Colonialism can be regarded as a subordinate notion of Imperialism, which means that the Imperial country gains political power over the other country transforming them into colonies. The instance represents the subordination of India to Great Britain. The reasons for the maintenance of the colonies indicate the possibility of the Empire obtaining additional monetary resources considering the extraction and trade of natural resources. However, analyzing the damaging consequences of WWII, the reason for the cessation of Imperialism indicates the importance of regaining economic stability. The absence of qualified financial and resource assistance from the dominant community causes political indignation from the side of the subordinate countries. Regarding the analyzed condition, Imperialism ends because of the necessity of political partnership as a way of optimizing the economic conditions, which leads to the launch of the intensified global trade.

Finally, focusing on the overall specifics of WWI and WWII in terms of their economic challenges on the dominance of the functionality of the country, it is essential to consider the problem through the prism of the state of the community. Imperialism imposes the dominance of a wealthy unit of the community, for instance, a family, that operates over the manufacturing business. This means that the overall profit is gained as a way of the individualistic moment of a family’s enrichment. The bourgeoisie does not consider the economic and human rights of the civilians, which leads to public indignation because of the intensified financial inequality. The identified position reminds a principle of Spencer’s order of the community, which following Darwinism regards the survivability and adaptability of the strongest in terms of the financial perspective. The richer means the smarter, which enhances the chances of survivability. Lenin refutes the efficiency of the system, emphasizing and anticipating the necessity of collectivism. Collectivism as equal distribution of the obtained resources among the employees for their practical contribution. Collectivism is quite controversial in its nature, however, in terms of Imperialism, it imposes the revolutionary idea to exterminate the bourgeoisie. Hence, the reason for the end of Imperialism from the community’s perspective indicates the cessation of financial and class inequality.

Overall, Imperialism ended because of the maintenance of the army and civilians during WW!, demand for the economic stabilization after WWII, and the overall demand for the refusal of capitalism. The analyzed claims indicate that the end of Imperialism represents an impossibility of the Empire to keep the supremacy considering the monetary and resource losses caused by WWI and WWII. The wars provoke the depletion of the overall accumulated sources, which leads to the clash of colonizations.

Finally, summarizing the overall scope of reasons, the end of Imperialism indicates the overall refusal from the economically self-oriented bourgeoisie to the manufacturing collectivism. Hence, the identified perspectives indicate that Imperialism has lost its efficiency after two Wars.

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