Essay on Mandatory Minimum Sentencing

Was the implementation of mandatory minimum sentencing useful? No, say clear and loud two magistrates in the report published on 9 April on the site of the Terra Nova think-tank. The question of the effectiveness of these mandatory minimum sentences arises even more acutely that it can be obliterated from the penal code. This repeal is on the menu of the penal reform project, whose review should begin before the summer. Suppression of mandatory minimum sentencing, advocated by the experts of the consensus conference, is one of the 76 proposals of the report devoted to “means to combat prison overcrowding” and was filed in January.

Created by the law of August 10, 2007, strengthening the fight against recidivism, mandatory minimum sentencing should be applied from the first recurrence to punishable offences with at least three years in prison. Since the Loppsi Bill 2 March 14, 2011, it also affects the first time offenders for certain premeditated offences (for example, an armed robbery with violence). Continue reading “Essay on Mandatory Minimum Sentencing”

Antisocial Behavior Research Paper

Antisocial behavior is a behavior harmful to society in general and to the individuals who compose it. Anantisocial person is deliberately or unintentionally indifferent to the standards that govern society. This type of behavior can manifest itself in several ways: aggression, violence, and violation of other people rights, egocentrism, irresponsible behavior (the subject does not measure the consequences of his actions), absence of guilt… Psychotherapy is the base treatment, sometimes accompanied by antipsychotic drugs.

In more narrow sense, antisocial behavior is an attenuated form of psychopathy. The person with antisocial personality disorder shows indifference against social norms and cultural codes, as well as the emotions and rights of others. It generally adopts an impulsive behavior, to meet its own needs, regardless of the consequences on others.

Antisocial behavior study also uses the term sociopath to designate people diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder.

2.1% to 4.3% of the population suffers from this personality disorder. People with personality antisocial behavior are almost exclusively male. Continue reading “Antisocial Behavior Research Paper”

Essay on Back to School

57-year-old millionaire Thornton Melon, owner of the Big and Fat chain, as a result of an unexpected visit to his son, discovers from Jason’s letters from college that he is one of the most gifted students, brilliant diver and all the girls’ dream, which is really just a fiction. But Thornton won’t leave it like that!

His business will do well on its own, but his son needs his attention. For what he comes to College as a student. Though he does not have a certificate of secondary school graduation, he finds a possibility to make a tidy sum for the construction of a new business school. Overgrown and oversized student goes for it without any hesitation.

All the best jokes has already found their place in the movies. Classic stories explored every possible and impossible ways to make people laugh. Guff-ball of any kind regularly made to stretch facial muscles of moviegoers. The majority of the movies of this genre live short lives, and only few become iconic. Continue reading “Essay on Back to School”

Extradition Research Paper

Extradition is a form of international cooperation in combating crime. It implies the transfer of the arrested persons suspected or accused of committing a crime (for trial), or persons already convicted by judicial authorities of another state (for execution of the judgment) by one state to another (on request). Within the United States, the term “extradition” also refers to rendition of the accused by one state to another.

As a rule, extradition is carried out on the basis of the agreement between the states concerned. This can be either a bilateral treaty or a multilateral convention between both the requesting and the requested states. The European Convention on extradition can serve as a model of such a convention.

In principle, extradition may take place without a convention, if it is provided for by the law of the requested state.
Extradition is a right of the state, but not its duty. It is a duty only when there is a bilateral treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters. Continue reading “Extradition Research Paper”

Research Paper on Extracurricular Activities

Today, colleges are experiencing a need technology for training and education of creative personality in students, which would include the goals and objectives of education and training, the forms and methods of organization of extracurricular activities, criteria for the selection and structuring its content.

Therefore, it is necessary to search means of forming creative personality in students during the whole education process, both in academic and extracurricular activities.

Extracurricular activities are less regulated and therefore represent a great opportunity for realization of creative potential in young people.

At the same time, existing approaches do not fully take into account the specificity of the formation of the personality during the extracurricular activity of the students. Continue reading “Research Paper on Extracurricular Activities”

Essay on Gold Mining

Traditional methods of gold mining are simple and incredibly persistent: in developing countries of Africa and Latin America, the local population perfectly knows and still uses “the ancient” methods of gold mining.

Following heavy summer (or winter) rains come floods that wash gold-containing solid into streams and rivers. A gold miner knows how and where to look for it. However, after a couple of weeks, this can be covered with a thin layer of silt and seaweed, then gold mining becomes difficult.

So it is the hottest time for miners, not to lose time in vain. Main goal: to get more volume of rocks from the river and washed it out almost 24 hours a day, while you can. The goal is to get a small bag of gold dust, which settles to the bottom, as the heavy part of the solid. The work in cold water requires great effort, but miners are hot with great expectations.

Nowadays, technology has advanced significantly forward. Continue reading “Essay on Gold Mining”

DNA Extraction Research Paper

DNA extraction is a technique for isolating DNA from cells or tissues. Thus, extracted DNA can then be used in molecular biology research, such as sequencing, PCR, and cloning.

There are different protocols for extracting DNA, following roughly the same schematic:

  • Cell lysis
  • Removal of proteins
  • Elimination of other nucleic acids (RNA, etc.)
  • Concentration of DNA by alcohol precipitation

Different variants are used, depending on whether it is sought to extract genomic DNA (from the analyzed cells chromosomes) or plasmid DNA (from plasmids worn most often by bacterial cells such as Escherichia coli). There are now commercial kits for quickly achieving these extractions using ready to use reagents. Continue reading “DNA Extraction Research Paper”

Essay on Depression in Young Adults

find different ways to avoid the problems they face every day, which, along with general insecurity, leads to the fact that some people turn to drugs or crime, which are much related. These problems are also associated with depression.

Youth is a difficult period of life. Some young adults have a low self-esteem, they have to fight their way in life, deal with problems in school or at work. Thus, they can easily get depressed, which can lead to attempts to commit suicide or any other forms of destructive behavior. Understanding of these factors and treatment of depression is essential to ensure the bright future every young person is worthy of.

Depression is a mood disorder. It affects our emotions, thoughts, behaviors, and biological functions. Depression becomes an illness if sadness persists for several days. If it is not treated, depression in young adults may lead to problems in school and at home, problems with drugs, alcohol and can even lead to suicide. Depression can destroy the personality of the individual and cause severe psychological damage, leading to despair and bitterness. Continue reading “Essay on Depression in Young Adults”

Energy Efficiency Research Paper

Energy efficiency is an effective (rational) use of energy resources. This means using less energy to provide the same level of efficiency for household or industrial processes, achieving cost-effective efficiency in the use of fuel and energetic resources at the current level of technology development, and compliance with environment protection requirements. This branch of knowledge is at the intersection of engineering, economics, law, and sociology.

Unlike energy conservation, mostly aimed at reducing energy consumption, energy efficiency is a rational (better) energy consumption.

For the population, it means a significant reduction in utility costs, for the country, it means conserving the resources, increasing productivity and competitiveness, protecting the environment by limiting the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, for energy companies, it means reducing the fuel costs and eliminating unnecessary spending. Continue reading “Energy Efficiency Research Paper”

How to Write Amazing Essays for College

College students are often asked to prepare a newsworthy and informative essay that will reflect their creativity and knowledge. This assignment is supposed to be a basic one and its main role is to develop student’s analytical thinking skills and imagination. Obviously, inexperienced students find college essay writing difficult, because they can not design the right structure of their assignment and research the suggested topic in the appropriate way.

If one wants to learn to write amazing essays for college, he should be ready to spend enough time to the process of writing. When you receive a topic for analysis, you should go to the library, read books, scientific journals and periodicals in order to accumulate enough information that will be applied in your essay. You should realize that the quality of your college essay depends on the quality of sources, quotations and citations that play the role of the material basis of your paper. Take care to choose the best up-to-date and relevant sources to make a valid and edifying scientific text. Continue reading “How to Write Amazing Essays for College”