Vandalism Research Paper

Vandalism is one of the forms of destructive deviance towards the works of art, culture, and other community or private property, which in this case are destroyed or desecrated.

To write a decent research paper on vandalism, college students interested in the phenomena have to take a look at the free example research proposals on the topic, which may give them an understanding that vandalism has several was of manifestation and the most known are:

  • Graffiti, in its amoral, anti-social demonstration.
  • Tegging (a type of graffiti), in its amoral, anti-social demonstration.
  • Bombing (a type of graffiti), in its amoral, anti-social demonstration.
  • Burning the books.
  • Desecration of graves.
  • Destruction the culture monuments.
  • Damaging the paintings.
  • Burning the churches.

Historical interpretation of the word “vandalism” is a wild, merciless robbery, barbarism. This meaning is related to the history of origin of this term that ascends to the East Germanic tribe of Vandals, really ransacking Rome in June, 455. Then, the invaders took away plenty of treasures, including works of art from Rome, and also drove away thousands of captives with the purpose of taking a ransom for them.

Although Vandals rather robbed a city and took out its treasures than destroyed them, they were remembered as “barbarians,” what is, probably, related to their pursuit of catholic clergy and destruction of catholic churches in Vandal kingdom in north Africa.

The origin of the term “vandalism” dates back to the time of The Great French Revolution. The first time the term in its modern meaning was used by the member of convention of the General States Abbé Grégoire in 1794, when he gave the “Lecture about the destructions created by vandalism, and the methods effective against it,” calling for the prevention of the elimination of monuments of art, using all necessary means including the army of the young French Republic.

In 1846 the book by the Count de Montalamber was published, where the author reprobated destruction of catholic churches.
In the XIX century, the word “vandalism” firmly became denotation of wanton destruction or damaging works of art, monuments of architecture, culture and so on.

The meaning of the term in the cultural environment (among the people, devoted to the art, culture, enlightening) and in the environment of religious figures is a wide concept that embraces not only the cases of direct elimination of cultural values, but also cases of indirect elimination of cultural values, cases of elimination of spiritual values, perversion of their veritable meaning, including the case of apathy to the apparent defects in education, art, culture, the absence of every taste, and supporting amoral and other negative experiments (innovations) in the art, culture, etc.

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