Essay on Philosophy of Teaching

My personal philosophy of teaching is that people are teaching differently. There are even those who for anything in life will not be able to teach. As Seneca the Elder said: “Whom the gods would destroy, they would make a teacher.” Persian proverb says: “If heaven had heard the prayers of the children, there would be no living teacher in the world.” George Bernard Shaw put it this way: “He who can, does; who cannot, teaches others.” Peter Lawrence continued, but in a humorous way: “Who knows, makes; who cannot, teaches others; and who cannot teaches teachers.”

There enough categorical statements about teaching “Fools teach, smart people learn.” Humorously it sounds pretty funny: “Smart people love to learn, and fools – to teach. Thus, smart people are often forced to learn from fools.” Probably, these statements are not accidental – to say such things you have had to suffer a great deal from teachers. In all this, of course, there is truth; despite this, the teaching seems to me a noble occupation. I am eternally grateful to my teachers and convinced that it is important to be able to teach, because it helps people (although, judging by the above quotes, not all). It is interesting that Alexander the Great said: “I owe my father for he gave me life, and my teachers for they made my life worthy.” Continue reading “Essay on Philosophy of Teaching”

Social Media Essay Example

The world, today, has become a global village due to innovative technologies that have seen social media taken a new platform. Social networking has opened many opportunities throughout the world and solved major global political, social and economic problems. Integrating people in one social place with innovation will be the highest ever achievements of the 21st century.

The first source describes privacy and surveillance. People like to be watched and to watch what is happening around them. The author talks about situational power that is the dynamic interaction between people on who is watching whom. Different technologies have given us different platforms as if what Facebook can give us is not what TVs can offer us for interaction. Violation of privacy happens, and that is when situational power comes in through controlling of what people do. People’s comprehension of surveillance and privacy depends on social platforms in which they are associated, and it has shown it affects their behavior (Foley, 2011). Continue reading “Social Media Essay Example”

Essay on 10 Healthy Eating Habits

If you want to develop healthy eating habits you will have to learn a few simple tips on healthy dieting for each day:

  1. Be sure to have breakfast every morning. For breakfast is the most important meal for our metabolism. People who regularly eat in the morning are less likely to overeat at night. Proper breakfast gives you energy and helps to think and to work productively. People deprived the first meal are under stress and their body begin to use the energy received during lunch and dinner to create fat reserves. Do not skip breakfast!
  2. Gradually exclude from your diet junk food: white sugar, bleached flour, trans fats (margarine pastries, mayonnaise, cream cheese, ice cream with vegetable fats, fast food, hot dogs, sausages, dairy desserts). Avoid commercially processed foods.
  3. Drink plenty of water. On average, need to drink 8-10 glasses of water including the herbal infusions, green tea, broth hips. Fruits and vegetables contain structured water and can replenish your daily fluid needs. And be sure to start each morning with a glass of water.
  4. Eat colorful vegetables every day. Vegetables with different colors give you different nutrients. Choose leafy greens, cabbage, broccoli, lettuce, red and orange vegetables – carrots, squash, peppers, tomatoes.
  5. Choose fresh fruit, they have more benefits than fruit juice, especially packaged. Fruit juice contains little or absolutely no fiber. But a lot of sugar, preservatives, and dyes.
  6. Continue reading “Essay on 10 Healthy Eating Habits”

The Probable Secret of Success Essay

Success is the broad category which includes the desire to achieve the certain important social status, reach a certain goal or solve a serious problem. Success is the common dream about the better life, solution of all problems and achievement of respect, capital, love and friendship. Although the term is universal, everyone has his own idea about the state of success, because everyone has the personal limits of wealth, career development, position in life, etc. In spite of the differences in the understanding of the characteristic of success, there are common ways to achieve it.

First of all, the person should define the target and understand what he wants in this life. The target should be direct, but not an abstract one, because it will be difficult to concentrate on the aim. The target should be real and possible to achieve, otherwise all the attempts are useless.

After that one should divide the major target into the smaller targets. It is quite obvious that the limited and narrower aims are easier to achieve, so it is wise to solve the little problems which would gradually solve the major one and bring you to the desired success. For example, one wants to become an artist. He should start from the drawing of the small sketches and even if they are not successful, the person develops her skill and with the run of time she is able to draw bigger pictures and finally the person masters the skill in the appropriate level and succeeds in drawing. Continue reading “The Probable Secret of Success Essay”

Patriotism: Love of the Country Essay

Patriotism is the feeling of love and respect of your country, its history and traditions. Patriotism is a natural and probably the most important factor of the country’s success, because if people are the patriots, they work hard for the development of their country, protection of its historical heritage and improvement of the love towards the culture of the nation. The people who do not love their native country and have no idea about its traditions and history are not able to be called the people of this country, they are the simple citizens, who just live on its territory.

Patriotism is the major factor, which makes people create the human history, works hard, fight and die for their country. Without this factor there would be no wars, dignity and courage. When the aggressor tries to invade the country, it can simple capitulate, but it does not, because there are people who want to see their country independent, flourishing and rich. No one enjoys when the stranger comes into his house and starts to set his own rules. The same thing is the country. If the invader starts to dictate with will, people start to protect their homes and the whole country with the purpose to maintain its identity and uniqueness. Continue reading “Patriotism: Love of the Country Essay”