The Battle of Stalingrad Essay

Battle of Stalingrad is the largest land battle in the history of mankind, which, along with the battle of Kursk, became a turning point in the Second World War, after which the German troops finally lost their strategic initiative.

As a result of the Soviet troops counterattack at Stalingrad 6th German fascist army and 4th Panzer army, the Romanian 3th and 4th armies and 8th Italian army were defeated.

During the battle of Stalingrad, lasted for 200 days and nights, the fascist block lost 25% of its applicable forces on the Soviet-German front at that time.

The victory at Stalingrad had a large military and political importance. It made a huge contribution to the achievement of a radical turn in the war and had a decisive influence on the future course of the Second World War.

As a result of the battle of Stalingrad, the Soviet armed forces seized the enemy strategic initiative and held it until the end of the war.

Outstanding value of Stalingrad battle in the war against Nazi Germany and its satellites was acknowledged by the Allies.

At the Allied leaders’ Conference in Tehran in November 1943, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill handed the Soviet delegation an honorary sword, the gift of the British King George VI to the citizens of Stalingrad to commemorate the victory over the Nazi invaders.

In May 1944, the President of the United States Franklin Roosevelt on behalf of the American people sent a Charter to Stalin to note that the glorious victory of the city defenders became a turning point in the war of Allied Nations against the forces of fascist aggression.

The battle of Stalingrad and the Soviet troops’ victory contributed to the release of most of the Northern Caucasus.

As a result of this stunning offensive one German and three allied armies had been destroyed, the other three German armies took heavy losses.

At least half of the German and Allied divisions were destroyed. The total remaining losses were 25 divisions.

For Germany, the battle of Stalingrad was the gravest defeat in its history, for Russia it was her greatest victory. At Poltava (1709) Russia has achieved the title of great European power. At the battle of Stalingrad, it was the beginning of its transformation into one of the two greatest world powers of the XX century.

This was the biggest land battle in the history of the great patriotic war and World War II, which marked a turning point in the fighting, and became the beginning of mass expulsion of fascist invaders from Soviet lands and gave into the hearts of millions of inhabitants of our planet firm belief in the imminent defeat of Hitler’s Germany and hope for peace.

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