Lehman Brothers Essay

The Effectiveness of the Measure Done by the Government for Lehman Brothers in 2008
The modern era has witnessed a number of financial crises that have had an effect on economic functions in many countries. The economic turmoil in Japan and Hong Kong after 1990 and 1997 respectively and the global financial crises of early 21st century are some examples of recent crises in history. Governments worldwide play a central role in managing economic environments to either avert or mitigate the effects of financial crises.

Fiscal policy and monetary policy are the main tools that the government seeks to correct economic turmoil. In light of the frequency and effects of financial crises within the last and present centuries, various governments have adopted better steps in managing prevailing economic conditions. This has included reinventing fiscal and monetary policies and practices to improve monitoring and control of economic activities, provide frameworks on preparedness and recovery and offer financial aid to mitigate the effects of economic crises.

The 2008 financial crisis tested the financial structures of the US financial markets. Ideally, the epicenter of the crisis was the US Mortgage markets. The government decided on a stimulus program which aimed at increasing the money supply to ease credit in the market (Pariente, Bora & Omar, 2011). The objective of this stimulus program was to trigger investment through ensuring that institutions and individuals who require credit are able to obtain from commercial banks. This program was quite successful. However, it faced serious objections from the Republican Party. In this regard, the federal government opted to use US treasuries to pay for the massive fiscal stimulus programs. The 2008 financial crisis in the US and increased government spending as part of recovery was fundamental in demonstrating facilitated economic recovery through deliberate fiscal policy by the federal treasury. Continue reading “Lehman Brothers Essay”

Taxidermy Research Paper

Taxidermy (from Greek ????? it is putting in an order and ????? is a skin, hide) is a method of making of models of animals with its skin. The skin is usually mounted on some basis, a skeleton and is stuffed with a filler. Taxidermy is used mainly for making of museum-pieces, and also for keeping hunting trophies.

University and college writers who are to prepare, outline and conclude their research paper on taxidermy have a great opportunity to write a successful research paper on the topic, as it considered as the one allowing you conduct a full-scale investigation on the phenomenon, revealing all the different facets of this complex process. This subject may be as well interesting from the scientific text writing point of view as there several different techniques that the topic may be studied or reported with.

For making such a model of the dead representatives of fauna the parts of the body with the least of damages on a hide are used. To keep original appearance, the skin is frozen or put in 70% solution of alcohol. Continue reading “Taxidermy Research Paper”

Essay on Implied Warranties

According to the law, implied warranty is not something explicitly promised by a seller, but rather implied in the circumstances of a sale. For example, when a person is selling reading glasses, we automatically can assume that he understands something in what he/she is doing and can rely on his/her advise. Each time when we are buying we are assuming that the products are of proper quality and correspond to our expectations of such products. This refers to product’s merchantability. For example, when we buy vitamins, we expect that they will not harm our health, but on the contrary, will provide our body with the important elements, will be properly packaged and have necessary information about usage. We rely on the knowledge of a company producing the vitamins and a pharmacist selling them that the vitamins will contain the proper balance of the ingredients and will improve our overall health, in other words have proper quality commonly expected of such products. Continue reading “Essay on Implied Warranties”

Vandalism Research Paper

Vandalism is one of the forms of destructive deviance towards the works of art, culture, and other community or private property, which in this case are destroyed or desecrated.

To write a decent research paper on vandalism, college students interested in the phenomena have to take a look at the free example research proposals on the topic, which may give them an understanding that vandalism has several was of manifestation and the most known are:

  • Graffiti, in its amoral, anti-social demonstration.
  • Tegging (a type of graffiti), in its amoral, anti-social demonstration.
  • Bombing (a type of graffiti), in its amoral, anti-social demonstration.
  • Burning the books.
  • Desecration of graves.
  • Destruction the culture monuments.
  • Damaging the paintings.
  • Burning the churches.

Continue reading “Vandalism Research Paper”

Research Paper on Holistic Medicine

In the last decades, different directions of alternative medicine become increasingly popular all over the world, as people, suffering different diseases, more and more often are calling for help various types of unconventional treatment. Worldwide Health Organization (WHO) has recognized the methods of alternative medicine already a long ago, including in the official list homoeopathy, osteopathy, bioresonant therapy, east medicine and other directions.

If you want to study this complex and multi-faceted topic you would have to explore all the various nuances of the matter. For that you might want to look through some free sample research paper on holistic medicine, where you can get acquainted with the idea that it is one of the best-known and popular directions of unconventional medicine today, which regards the human organism as single unit, takes into account interaction of human organs with other systems of organism. Continue reading “Research Paper on Holistic Medicine”

Essay on Religion in the Works of Kafka and Voltaire

François-Marie Arouet Voltaire (1694-1778) and Franz Kafka (1883-1924) were highly celebrated writers and social thinkers of their respective eras. As can be learned from their works, the two authors spent considerable thought reflecting on the role of religion and God in nature, society and life. This paper reviews some prominent works by the two and compares their attitude towards religion in terms of style, narrative and ideological perspectives.

Voltaire: The Unapologetic Arch Nemesis
Like many of his contemporaries during the Age of Enlightenment, Voltaire’s views on religion and its many facets were rather fierce. A self-proclaimed deist, Voltaire did not hesitate to criticize blind faith and organized religion and saw the latter as an obstacle in the way towards human liberty, progress and happiness, famously arguing against religious extremism: “those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” Many of his works clearly and explicitly express these views, as well as the aspiration to replace the perceived repressions of the prevalent monotheism with a new sense of critical observations, justified reasoning and tolerance towards opposing views of nature and society.

One of the most celebrated examples for Voltaire’s criticism on the role of religion in society is his 1759 satire Candide. Briefly speaking, the thematic core of this short novel is a critique on the optimistic notion that God, as a perfect deity, created the world as the best possible world. The notion, which is usually referred to as Leibnizian optimism, is presented through the character of Dr. Pangloss, who argues that
things cannot be otherwise than as they are; for as all things have been created for some end, they must necessarily be created for the best end. Observe, for instance, the nose is formed for spectacles, therefore we wear spectacles. The legs are visibly designed for stockings, accordingly we wear stockings. Stones were made to be hewn and to construct castles, therefore My Lord has a magnificent castle; for the greatest baron in the province ought to be the best lodged. Swine were intended to be eaten, therefore we eat pork all the year round: and they, who assert that everything is right, do not express themselves correctly; they should say that everything is best. (Voltaire, “Candide” 12) Continue reading “Essay on Religion in the Works of Kafka and Voltaire”

Term Paper on Electric Geyser

Electric geyser is the appliance which is used for heating water. Naturally, every household requires such an appliance, because one can hardly live without hot water nowadays. Water heating is supposed to be quite an expensive service today because of the energy crisis which is becoming more and more serious every year. There are geysers of several types which are differentiated according to their size and the resources used for the production of energy. The most common geysers are the electric and gas ones. Of course, it is more reasonable to use electric geysers, because the majority of countries feel shortage of gas which is quite expensive today. Electric geysers use electricity to heat water and they resemble a small or middle-sized reservoir which works on the principle of a kettle, though it is more convenient and safer then kettle, because it is possible to control the temperature, reduce the consumption of energy, turn on and off the appliance when it is needed. Continue reading “Term Paper on Electric Geyser”

Research Paper on Religious Cults

Religious cult (from Latin: cultus – honouring, worship) is religious worship of some objects, real or mythical creatures, provided with supernatural properties, including deities; and also totality of the ceremonies related to such honouring.

University students collecting relevant information on the topic have to understand that he concept of religious cult is most developed in paganism that actually consists of various cults.

There can be also distinguished various types of cults on objects:

  • the cult of sky,
  • the cult of sun,
  • the cult of water,
  • the cult of fire,
  • the cult of plants,
  • the cult of ancestors,
  • the cult of animals, etc.

Continue reading “Research Paper on Religious Cults”

Essay about Online Education

In today’s fast moving world of technology many people find themselves trapped with no time to do all the things they want to. That is the reason why all services offered through the Web are constantly gaining more popularity. Many students prefer to take different courses online, communicate with friends online and as a result spend most of their time in front of the computer exploring the vast world online and everything it offers.

Online education is attractive for many, as it is convenient and saves a lot of time and money. Making a research is similar to online education in many ways. A constantly increasing number of students tend to use online articles, databases and libraries in order to save time and to be able to access more cost-free information from all over the world in a few mouse clicks. (Whitaker)

The research conducted on the topic “Online education” is based on articles and journal entries, published on the Internet. Some professors and scientists are reluctant to accept the validity and reliability of the internet sources due to the risk of plagiarism and the overuse of not cross-checked articles, low quality or false information. Despite all these facts, the use of electronic sources was chosen to save time and resources. Finding any information concerning any topic is extremely fast and easy, but finding reliable information online demands more time, a lot of patience and evaluation skills to determine the sources that can be used and cited. However, compared to the old fashioned library based research is much faster, but tricky at the same time. Knowing how to make use of the online sources saves costs, because ordering books or paying registration fees is not needed. Continue reading “Essay about Online Education”

Essay on My Earliest Childhood Memories

My earliest memories are that of playing games in preschool. It was a fun time for me, at least that’s how I recall it now. The only things I had to worry about were: what will I have for lunch today, whether that big kid will leave me alone and which toy do I want to play with. My mother would always pack one of those perfect lunches for me, although, being a bit of a health nut, she wouldn’t always give me the snacks that the other kids had. I guess it was this upbringing that has made me health-conscious when it comes to food. Buying organic for me is a bit out of my price range, but I maintain fresh ingredient standards, stay away from fast- and junk-foods and manage to balance my meals. I’ve recently become a fan of cooking shows on TV, which have inspired me to explore the culinary world a bit, but not on a professional level. When I come home, the first thing I like to do is cook a nice meal. I’m not a vegetarian, yet there are many vegetarian dishes to which I have become accustomed to. A lot of my cooking influences come from Middle-Eastern and Indian cuisine. On occasion, I like to have friends over to share my newfound talents with them, and so far it has been a success. Continue reading “Essay on My Earliest Childhood Memories”