E-retailing refers to sale goods and services on the Web. E-retailing operation can be a simple reaffirmation of the desire and the opportunity to buy some goods or service using credit card and following transfer the required amount from one account to another. But it also can be very complex when, for example, to perform a transmission of information it should be carried out through the many networks.
The first examples of e-retailing have roots in banking and the process is known as “wire transfers.” In this process, the buyer authorized his Bank to make a wire transfer to an account in another bank. This process included the transfer of money across the country or to the other side of the world and is usually made by large enterprises and other independent commercial organizations. To replace the wire transfers, there were electronic means of transmitting financial information. After doing this, the banks to notified each other about transfer by telegrams, telex or email. Continue reading “E-Retailing Research Paper”