Research Paper on Benefits of Yoga

One of basic benefits of yoga is its positive influence on the backbone, which, as is generally known, is the base of health for all our body. Most asanas, the body positions, are practiced for the maintenance of its correct functioning. As a result, nerves are actively provided with nitrogen and oxygen, supporting their proper functionality.

Use free sample research paper on benefits of yoga to understand that these exercises effectively help to get rid of the chronic pain in the lower back, closed thorax, and distorted backbone.

Yoga renders salutary influence on all systems of organism, including cardiovascular, digestive, and endocrine. When practicing asanas, internal organs and glands, responsible for the healthy functioning of organism are being specifically stimulated.

Practicing bandha (power locks) improves the blood circulation in the sexual glands in the representatives of both sexes and can be considered a prophylaxis and therapy of sexual disorders. Continue reading “Research Paper on Benefits of Yoga”

Research Paper on Dietary Supplements

Dietary supplements are the most effective method to fight the deficit of vitamins, but only on the condition of the proper dosage of biological substances corresponding to the physiological needs ot the body.

If you want to prepare an interesting, argumentative, and, first of all, a successful research paper on dietary supplements, you may want consider using free example research papers on the topic. These free papers are known as good sources of the relevant data and can be used as guides on the research proposals writing.

Dietary supplements in most cases belong to the class of natural components and possess the pronounced physiological and pharmacological properties affecting the basic regulator and metabolic processes in the human organism.

The basic physiological functions of dietary supplements are:

  • Regulation of fat, carbohydrate, aluminous and mineral metabolism.
  • Optimization of the enzyme systems functioning.
  • Antioxidant defense.
  • Hormone-like activity.
  • Structural components of cellular membranes.
  • Regulation of the immune system functioning.
  • Ensuring the processes of the cellular breathing.
  • Maintenance of the electrolyte balance.
  • Regulation of reproductive function and processes of embryogenesis.
  • Participation is in the processes of hematogenesis.
  • Maintenance of acid base balance.
  • Regulation of blood coagulability.
  • Regulation of myocardium excitability and vascular tone.
  • Synthesis of connecting tissue.
  • Regulation of nervous activity.
  • Maintenance of natural microflora in bowels.
  • Detoxification and biotransformation of xenobiotics.

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Healthy Lifestyle Research Paper

A healthy lifestyle is the way of living helping to prevent illnesses in our body and strengthening of our health.

The representatives of the philosophical-sociological direction regard healthy lifestyle as a global social problem, a component part of our society as a whole. However, there is still no clear concept. On the estimations of the experts, our health for 50-55% depends exactly on the way we live, for 20% on our environment, for 18-20% on our genetic predisposition, and only for 8-10% on our health care system.

Writing of a decent research paper on healthy lifestyle is a wonderful opportunity to explore numerous facets of this multi-faceted issue and prepare an urgent and interesting research proposal on the topic.

The phychoeducational direction considers the healthy way of life from the standpoint of consciousness, psychology, and motivation. There are other points of view (for example, biomedical), however, there is no sharp verge between, as all they aim one problem – strengthening of our health.

In a narrow biological sense, the question is about physiological adaptation possibilities of our body to the influences of our environment and the functioning of our internal systems. Continue reading “Healthy Lifestyle Research Paper”

Research Paper on Wuthering Heights

Wuthering Heights is a novel from 1847 by Emily Brontë, published under the author name Ellis Bell. The story runs around the tragic love affair between Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff and its consequences as retold in a frame story with the two narrators, Nelly Dean and Mr. Lockwood. The book’s title refers to the house, or estate, where most of the story unfolds.

The novel was published in 1847 under the pseudonym Ellis Bell. That same year, Emily’s sisters, Charlotte Brontë and Anne Brontë, also debuted with the books Jane Eyre and Agnes Grey. Jane Eyre was the one of the books that had a greatest success among its contemporaries, but it’s Wuthering Heights, which today stands up best, both among the general public and in literary research.

Those who write research paper on the topic should know that Wuthering Heights is, as previously mentioned, constructed in such a way that you get to follow the story through two narrators. The book starts with that one of the narrators, Lockwood, 1801 come to Wuthering Heights to rent Thrushcross Grange. Once there, he meets the narrator, who will present the greater part of the book for us, the housekeeper Nelly Dean. Continue reading “Research Paper on Wuthering Heights”

Research Paper on Importance of Motivation

Psychologists define motivation as an aspiration or desire, stimulating and directing person behavior. The research in this area was conducted by many scientists. One of the most recognized experts engaged in the field, named social psychology, was Abraham Maslow. He supposed that our behavior was determined by necessities. The most dominant in the given moment would be the most motivating. When the necessity is satisfied, it will stop to be a factor determining our behavior.

Free sample research papers on motivation can be considered a good resource of the relevant when written by skillful professional on urgent and interesting topic, In such a case you may safely use it as a guide on a complex process of learned article.

When starting resolve a problem and having chosen the ways of its solution, it is necessary to figure out your aspirations, desires and to take into account your need.

will have to ask yourself the next questions:
Continue reading “Research Paper on Importance of Motivation”

Research Paper on Facebook Privacy

Statement of the European Commission has shocked many parents, whose children have free access to the Internet. Online harassment and pedophilia become increasingly common in the popular social networking sites, including Facebook. In turn, the same resources are not able to provide effective protection for children against such adverse effects.

These conclusions of the Commission were drawn due to a thorough study of 14 leading social networks. The main criticism of the European Commission were referred the privacy default settings, aimed to protect the users. The Commission representative Jonathan Todd told reporters that members were clearly dissatisfied with these online sites. Of the 14 sites being selected for the study, only two have been found having acceptable privacy default settings. The list of the penalty box includes a giant like Facebook, which has over one billion users. According to Todd, in order to prevent cases of pedophilia and internet bullying, Neelie Kroes, who is in charge on digital technologies in the Commission, will discuss with the companies the way for the solution the issue of privacy of the social networks users. Continue reading “Research Paper on Facebook Privacy”

Essay on Importance of Moral Values in Human Life

Many people’s dream is to find treasure with treasures, to win a jackpot or scrape up a fortune. They, however, do not know that incomparably greater treasure is inside themselves, in their heart, in their soul.

The world changes, its attitude, its ideology changes too. Already long ago we forgot the exact definition of such categories as wisdom, it was replaced by knowledge; happiness, which we know now as prosperity, habit and moment of leisure, satisfaction; a conscience is replaced by the line of behavior.

It is extraordinarily difficult to unravel the living ball of spiritual life and to trace interlacement of separate filaments forming it: moral and philosophical reasons and ideas; in this matter, we can hope only for a vague understanding.

Presently, only little attention is paid to the moral values; there is no common criteria, no strict orientation, except moral differentiation of acts and positions for good and bad, righteous and wicked. Continue reading “Essay on Importance of Moral Values in Human Life”

Essay on Role of Music in My Life

Music was in my life long before I learned to distinguish different styles and genres, knew about work of great composers and musicians. The first melody that I still remember was the lullaby my mother sang to me when I was a kid. When the lullaby lyrics ended, my mother continued to vocalize quietly, and her melodious tunes calmed me down and, certainly, put the beginning to my love for music. Then, there were musical theatricals and plays, favorite child’s songs and first idols.

My taste changed accordingly to my age as I grew up. One day I liked rock, the next it was pop-music, in another week I was ready to give the last money for the records of well-known rep performers, sometimes under a mood listened to reggae, and did my homework listening to the popular songs played on various radios. And all the time it seemed to me that without music my world would be imperfect, as cold beauty is repellent without a warm smile, or a sea becomes boring without a gale and white horses on waves. Continue reading “Essay on Role of Music in My Life”

Banking System Term Paper

Banking system is the system of work of the financial institutions which provide various sorts of banking services. Naturally, banks appeared in the human civilization centuries ago and their structure, functions and manner and manner work has changed a lot. The primary duty of banks was to make loans lending money to the people and organizations which required money and then returned the money with serious percent. Later on the system of banking services has become more varied and fulfils other services which are more or less connected with economy, politics and social life. Banks are divided into private and state ones, so that there is a reason in the distribution of the capital and the amount of profit. Naturally, private banks work definitely for themselves for their own development and enrichment while the state banks have the duty to work for the sake of the national budget improving the national currency on the international level.

Among the functions and services which are popular in banking system are the monetary operations, depositing and making loans, investment and trade. The highest state central bank works with the country’s currency; other banks use their capital to invest the money into various projects private and state ones, for example, for the reforms of the government, etc. Every bank has a great number of clients who decide to keep their money in the bank depositing into it. So that, the money is kept in the bank and the sum growth constantly, because the bank uses the client’s money for his own purposes. At the same time the bank lends money to clients and takes percent for this service. Continue reading “Banking System Term Paper”

Adolescent Psychology Term Paper

Adolescent psychology is the branch of psychology which studies the peculiarities of the teenager’s behaviour, emotions and nervous system.

Adolescence is the period between 12 and 17 years. Of course, girls and boys survive the period of adolescence differently, as girls start growing earlier than boys, that is why the level of development of teenage girls and boys is completely different. Adolescence is the period which is characterized with the psychological and physical chances of the human body and the human organism is getting prepared to the grownup life. After the period of adolescence the human body reaches to its grownup sizes, but still the person can not be called a grownup, because her psychology is completely different. The psychology of teenagers is a very difficult and varied problem, and many scholars devoted much time to observe this issue in detail. To begin with, a teenager is very emotional and sensitive, so if something negative happens in his life, he can suffer from depression, his self-esteem and self-confidence reduce. Moreover, because of being emotional, teenagers are angry and anxious.

Especially it touches upon boys, who can become really angry from time to time and this behaviour is caused by hormones. Next, teenagers often suffer from low mood, because of various reasons – family problems, first love, relations with mates, etc. Finally, young people are associated with categorical attitude towards the world around and their worldview is radical, as they protest against conservatism, order, laws and everything what limits the human freedom, so that they protest against the system and disrespect the achievements of the previous generations and they try to find themselves in life. Continue reading “Adolescent Psychology Term Paper”