Descriptive Essay on My Classroom

Each teacher dreams about an ideal classroom where each student could realize his/her intellectual potential, abilities by his/her interests and needs. Naturally, it is not an easy task that seems to be hardly realizable in the real classroom situation because as a rule, a teacher faces some difficulties. Despite the problems, it is still necessary to strive for achievement possibly better results.

Naturally, it can be done only on the condition that a teacher has a clear plan and understanding how the fundamental aims of his/her work could be achieved. In this respect, it is necessary to take into consideration a variety of factors that influence the efficiency of education. For instance, teaching literature, as well as any other subject, needs profound knowledge of students’ psychology and the general level of their development at a certain age stage. In fact, it is necessary to realize that there are certain differences in students’ behavior, psychology, interests at a different age. Continue reading “Descriptive Essay on My Classroom”

Essay: Obstacles of College Students

Obtaining higher education in most of the cases is a prerequisite for getting a good job and becoming successful in life at large. However, there are numerous obstacles that college students have to face before they get a diploma. While not of them may be identified before one enters a college, it is during the first year that all those obstacles come about for the first time and have to be dealt with. Among the most crucial challenges that college students face are financial difficulties, anxiety and fear and balancing one’s time. A college student who is capable of overcoming all those obstacles is going to succeed under any circumstances after that. Continue reading “Essay: Obstacles of College Students”

Case Study Analysis Paper

analysis examines, draw conclusions and make recommendations for implementing new hire orientation plan. At the moment, ABC, Inc. (“the company”) seems to be interested in conducting orientation programs, but needs to refine its methods and procedures in order to offer an effective process to its new hires. Thus, this analysis deals with a wide array of issues and challenges, which should clarify the current situation and to indicate the required steps towards the goal.

Consequently, this analysis report entails three major parts: The first two sections provide an overview on the current situation, as well as the major problems and challenges that require solutions. Subsequently, several feasible alternatives will be discussed, including the pros and cons of each one. Finally, the last two sections discuss and justify the best solutions, and provide recommendation for successful implementation of the new operating program. Continue reading “Case Study Analysis Paper”

Ethically Questionable Behavior of Sales Personnel

Ethical considerations of business making are neither a solely theoretical issue nor a general recommendation for managers. As corporate history tells us, companies who fail to behave ethically pose a significant risk to most stakeholders, especially in the long run. It is partially due to the general interest of the media and the general public in the ethical aspects of businesses, and more significantly since moral weaknesses were previously shown as one of the primary reasons for corporate defaults.

The fields of sales and marketing have always been one of the major areas of ethical misconduct. It is because the marketing function of a company is the link between the business and the more significant economy, and thus it has a fundamental position to control the company’s conduct with customers, competitors and other demand-side stakeholders (e.g., intermediaries). Moreover, as discussed below, several marketing tasks, especially these of sales departments, show an inherent conflict between ethics and a superior performance of functions. Continue reading “Ethically Questionable Behavior of Sales Personnel”

Conformity and Acceptance Essay

is defined as a willingness to act in line with the norms of a particular group to be accepted as an in-group member. Given the origin of human species as common animals, the psychological need to belong to a group is present in all individuals. Conforming to group norms signifies one’s ability to behave consistently and giving others a possibility to predict this person’s behavior and cease regardings/he as a threat. However, individuals may act as conformists and non-conformists, choosing to follow or reject group norms. Continue reading “Conformity and Acceptance Essay”

Why Should We Not Confuse Productivity with Profitability?

and industries have measurements to evaluate how well an entity is doing. Some of these measures can be indicators of financial performance (e.g., profitability and return on assets), operational (e.g., productivity and efficiency) or other qualitative and quantitative measurements of performance, such as quality of product/service or retain customers.

Coming to draw the borderline between profitability and productivity, one must make it clear that while the first is a measurement of financial performance (stated in currency, although profitability rates are also in use), the latter is a general term which refers to many ratios we can make in the output/input system with various types of inputs. Continue reading “Why Should We Not Confuse Productivity with Profitability?”

You All Know the Story of the Other Woman Analysis

is the evil in adultery.

If a man has no opportunity of living
with another man’s wife, but if it is obvious
for some reason that he would like to do so,
and would do so if he could,
he is no less guilty than if he
was caught in the act.”
– Saint Augustine

Anne Sexton was born in 1928 and began her writing career in her twenty-seventh year of life after she became a wife and a mother. Her obsession with suicide lasted all her life, even though she was seeing psychiatrist three times a week. And it was her psychiatrist who suggested writing about her mental illness to help others and started writing. Her poetry was so intense and permeating that she won the Pulitzer Prize after four years of her writing career. Continue reading “You All Know the Story of the Other Woman Analysis”

Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” Essay

Plato’s “allegory of the cave” is a metaphor for human life and the effect of education on the human character and spirit. While most of us are not familiar with the allegory of the cave, most of us have read or at least heard of the enormously popular Harry Potter series. At first sight, it might seem that a modern day fictional story about witchcraft and wizardry might have little to do with platonic musings on societal governance. But if we look a little deeper, we could find many similarities the main one being the creation of an artificial society with specific norms, rules, and circumstances. Both the harsh reality of the cave, and the magical world inhabited by Muggles and wizards alike, are environments which form the individuals living within them according to what is allowed, possible, and desirable. Continue reading “Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” Essay”

Essay on Racism Here and Now

editorial I would like to talk about, called Racism Here and Now printed in…..paper, written by….. deals with a very sensitive and controversial topic. It is the topic of persistent racism in the United States of America. The article dwells upon an accident that has occurred in Northeastern Pennsylvania. There a group of African American and South American school children, participating in the day-camp, has been denied weekly access to the pool. In fact, the campers did make their appearance at the pool once, though after that the fee the camp had paid was refunded. Thus the future access was banned. Continue reading “Essay on Racism Here and Now”