Quinceañera or the feast of fifteen years is a traditional festival in Latin Hispanic world, especially in Mexico; it is commonly called Quinceañera or Quince Años. This festival is the celebration of the fifteenth anniversary, but the ceremony is different. It also gives the name of the quinceañera to the girl who celebrates this holiday.
To prepare a good research paper on quinceañera you should know that the festival represents the transition from a child to a woman of the girl celebrating her fifteenth birthday. It serves as a way of learning for the young girl to understand what is good and how to become a good wife. The ceremony, following a Catholic rite, begins with a Mass of thanksgiving (Misa de Acción de Gracia). The quinceañera arrives dressed in her party dress, often in shades of pink, accompanied by her parents, her grandparents, seven bridesmaids and as many suitors as she wants. After Mass, the younger sisters, cousins, and friends of the quinceañera go out first to head the party while the girl lays her bouquet on an altar erected in honor of the Virgin Mary. Continue reading “Quinceanera Research Paper”