Research Paper on Future of Social Media

According to analysts, the future of social media will be capable to give users a reflection of all aspects of their lives (it is much easier to deal with people when you know something about them. For example, their hobbies, interests, or their professional skills).

Social media of the future is starting with mobile applications, because the core audience of such media consists of those people who will use your smartphones (since the rate of penetration of mobile technology is much higher than any other technology in the history of mankind).

Social media of the future have to be able to help people expand their horizons. The best thing that social media can currently offer is the comfort of searching and receiving a great amount of relevant information in no time. It also has to be independent, where each user will be the rightful owner of his content. For all the content owners the future social media will bring new and more effective tools for monetization of their ideas. Continue reading “Research Paper on Future of Social Media”

Prosocial Behavior Research Paper

Human prosocial behavior implies a helping behavior directed towards others in order to bring them an advantage or even physical or psychological well-being. It is a voluntary behavior intended to serve, to help. It is for example to respond positively to the emotional suffering of others, to help, comfort, support others, share and donate then to cooperate.

The emergence of the concept of prosocial behavior dates back to ancient philosophy. To understand prosocial behavior, we must answer two questions: “When and why do we help others?” Many factors are involved, among them are contextual, individual, cultural, cognitive, biological, or motivational factors. Researchers have often tried to determine whether helping behavior has altruistic or selfish purpose.

The term prosocial behavior is the antonym of antisocial behavior. Continue reading “Prosocial Behavior Research Paper”

Research Paper on Women’s Suffrage Movement

The women’s suffrage movement was massive and was conducted by both women and men of diverse views. One of the main differences between the movement members, especially in Britain, was the division into suffragists, seeking to change the constitutional way, and suffragettes, led by Emmeline Pankhurst, who created in 1903 the Social and Political Union of Women practicing more drastic action.

Suffragette movement spread received in late XIX-early XX centuries, mostly in the UK and the U.S. Suffragists actively used non-violent methods of civil disobedience: chained themselves to the gates, sat on the rails, organized demonstrations, and stood in the streets with streamers.

There were also differences in views on the place of women in society. Some thought that women are naturally better, softer, and more concerned about the plight of vulnerable members of society, especially children. In accordance with these views, women’s participation in elections should lead to a more civilized politics and, in particular, will help introduce a turnover control of alcohol. They also believed that the main task of the women was the maintenance of the home, and a woman should be able to influence the laws relating to her home. Continue reading “Research Paper on Women’s Suffrage Movement”

Research Paper on Autism Treatment

Autism treatment should start the earlier the better. The earlier the correction of an autistic child development begun, the more likely it will adapt to a normal life.

Typically, the disease is diagnosed to 2-2.5 years of age and, it should be remembered, never develops in a healthy child after 5 years. If deviations are detected at an older age, the parents should first think of schizophrenia, and not about autism. In addition, some of the symptoms of autism are similar to manifestations of mental retardation, speech disorders, congenital deafness, and regressive psychosis. Therefore, only an experienced professional can determine whether or not your child is autistic.

For nearly twenty years, the world has been steadily increasing the number of cases of autism in children. If in the seventies of the last century for 10,000 children there was one case of the disease, today it is one for hundred healthy children, and in many countries the statistics are even worse. Continue reading “Research Paper on Autism Treatment”

Research Paper on Legalizing Steroids

To understand why anabolic steroids need legalizing we should consider first what it is.

Anabolic steroids are synthetic analogs of testosterone chemically modified to reduce the androgenic effects (specific to male sexual characteristics), increase the anabolic effects (allow the synthesis of substances including promoting increased muscle mass) and reduce the incidence of adverse effects.

Some authors use a common terminology for androgens and anabolic steroids: they simply called steroids, because they have the same basic chemical structure.

Anabolic steroids are prohibited substances, which are used to increase physical capacity of an athlete. This practice is contrary to the ethics of sport and can harm the physical and mental integrity of the athlete.

It comes to doping behavior when a person consumes a chemical or drug to face an obstacle, real or perceived, and/or to improve his or her performance, whether physical, intellectual, artistic… There is no one but a multitude of doping behavior: nothing comparable in effect between the student who uses supplements just vitamins during an examination period and those who consume regular or high-dose anabolic to increase their weight or improve physical performance or to push the limits of fatigue. Continue reading “Research Paper on Legalizing Steroids”