Military Technology Research Paper

Military technology remains a driving sector where the expenditure on research and development is decisive. At the end of the twentieth century, the USA spent nearly 14% of the budget for defense. Today this figure increased significantly due to the large investment in the field of research and development.

The fact is that advanced technologies, with their new and more refined approach, remain initially reserved for the military or scientific before be extended to the civilian sector. Satellite positioning system, for example, was largely focused on military use before being partially opened to civilian community.

Electronics is particularly dominant component in the weapon systems, in particular, in the air force, for the combat aircrafts and various missiles, as well as in space, with satellites and launchers. To the point that some voices denounce the excessive «technologization» in the weapon industry and its impact on the costs of armaments programs. It appears in fact that 5% of high technology weighing up to 20-25% of the cost of a program. In turn, excessive high-tech may prove prohibitive export to countries that cannot have such an advanced weapons.

Nevertheless, new technologies, especially information technology, have helped revolutionize the development and production, as, for example, Optronics helped open a new market for the sector of intelligence and observation. They have influenced the military industry that has been able to adopt new requirements.

Science does not stand still and the technology that seemed fantastic and unreal has long been used, and even more unrealistic projects already are preparing for implementation. It is no secret that a large number of new technology has long been used in the military before moving to the civil sector.

Now there are is enough quite promising studies in this area. British experts has created a special paint, which is able to ensure invisibility to the enemy eyes on the battlefield. Coat of paint is applied on a surface, and external video cameras collect data about environment and send it to the onboard computer, which analyzed the data, and “re-paints” machine in accordance with certain colors. Thus, the technique almost merges the vehicle with the environment. By 2015, it is planned to supply such samples to active duty.

Israeli experts have developed a system that analyzes thermal images and displays the image on special screens that are on the surface of the military craft. Such a technique allows to be invisible to a variety of night vision devices, as well as weapons, which uses a system of thermal vision.

In America, the same program has been established for the creation of a special camouflage for the fighter, which will be able to blend in with the environment.

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Research Paper on Kantian Ethics

Kant develops his ethical theory through all his work, it is more clearly defined in his groundworks such as The Metaphysics of Morals and Critique of Practical Reason. As part of the Enlightenment tradition, his theory of ethics is based on the belief that reason should be used to determine how a person should act in certain situations.

Kant considered understanding the cause and effect of moral rules one of the most important tasks in philosophy. He said: “Two things always fill the soul with new and increasingly powerful wonder and awe, the more often we are meditating on them: the starry sky above us and the moral law within us”.

According to Kant, man acts of need in one respect and freely in another: as a phenomenon among other phenomena of nature, man is subject to the need, but as a moral creature, it belongs to the world intelligent things. And as it, he is free. As a moral creature, man obeys only the moral duty.

Moral duty Kant formulates in the form of the moral law or moral categorical imperative. This law requires that everyone personal behavior could be the example for behavior of other. If the actions meet the demands of the moral law, but is caused by sensual tendency, such behavior, said Kant, cannot be called moral. The act is moral only if it is done out of respect for the moral law. The core of morality is a “good will”, which expresses the deeds perpetrated in the name of moral obligation, and not for any other purposes (for example, due to fear or desire to look good in the eyes of other people, for selfish purposes, such as personal benefits, etc.). Therefore, Kant’s ethics moral duty resisted utilitarian ethical concepts, as well as religious-theological ethical teachings.

Kant’s teachings on morality distinguishes between “maxim” and “law”. The first refers to the subjective will of a single person, when the law is the expression of general validity, the principle having power for everybody. Kant calls such a law an imperative, i.e. the rule that is characterized by necessity, which is interpreted to be bound to the act. Kant divides imperatives on hypothetical that are associated with the presence of certain conditions, and categorical, which are compulsory in all conditions. As for moral, there should be only one categorical imperative, as its highest law.

Kant considered it essential to explore all the moral duties of man. He believed the first duty to preserve human live and health. The vices he considered suicide, drunkenness, gluttony. Virtues of truthfulness, honesty, sincerity, integrity, dignity, he contrasted to the vices of lies and servility. The two main duties of the people against each other Kant felt love and respect. Love he interpreted as a favor to determine “how to enjoy the happiness of others”. Compassion he consider an ability to share the misery and pleasures of others.

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Research Paper on Hate Groups

Hate group is an organized group or movement of people who are calling for hatred or violence against certain racial, ethnic, political, religious, gender, sexually-oriented or any other social group. Hate groups usually support the agitation against other groups or individuals. The violence against the object of hatred usually passes through certain stages of development where verbal violence is transformed into physical violence in which the ultimate goal is the destruction of the object of hatred.

The impact of the Internet on the further development of hate group is very significant these days. Hate groups usually individually invite new members and spread their propaganda through leaflets and pamphlets. In contrast to the traditional method, it allows the recruiting all over the world, and the members can talk to each other in real time, no matter where you are. It is, in fact, became the catalyst for many hate and extremist groups, because with the Internet as a medium, they have a virtually inexhaustible source for new members, especially younger people. The Internet has been a boon for hate groups in terms of promotion, recruitment, and expanding their base to include younger audiences. Hate groups on the Internet do not have to be part of some traditional factions such as the Ku Klux Klan.

Rick Eaton, an expert from the Wiesenthal Centre in Los Angeles, shows some of the approximately 14 thousand Internet hate groups, covering all the continents, of all the racial prejudices and ethnic hostilities.

Eaton says that the Internet allows very easy dissemination of hate material, “with the Internet, these messages are transmitted and spread like a contagion: the one and only video recording, which set some hate group or a terrorist organization, can appear for a short time on hundreds of other websites.”

With the advent of Facebook and other online social networks, hate groups use it as an excellent platform where they can easily create group pages and with the ease recruit new members and to spread their propaganda. Anyone can open and create a Facebook group and invite those that write their comments on the group page, you can easily share the pictures, videos, and actively participate in the debate on the pages of the groups of which you are a member. In order to become a member of some groups on Facebook, a candidate must have his own user account on Facebook and have to just like the group he wants to be a participant in. Facebook environment makes it so easy that it is often the only reason for a group to exist. Facebook has taken some measures about combating the hate group in their area after accumulating complaints from influential communities and groups. Measures have been introduced in respect of contractual obligations for new colleagues and groups as well as some of the new measures in the treatment of the complaint. However, these new measures are not significantly change the number of hate groups.

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Research Paper on Political Behavior

sign a manifesto for the right to abortion, vote in regional election, oppose transgenic maize, do not buy other than a “Fair trade” coffee brand, wear the red ribbon for the fight against AIDS, throw shoes at the head of the American president, attend the annual Requiem for Louis XVI messe, the commonlink between these various gestures is political behavior. It is the topic of this research paper.

Behavior means activity to an outside observer, as opposed to the innermost of an individual, his attitudes, thoughts, and beliefs. They give meaning to this activity but these are behaviors that interest us as a priority, in the perspective discovered by the current behaviourism, which inspired the first empirical research on political behavior.

The term “activity” is preferred by economists and theorists of rational choice. It insists on the intentional and strategic dimension of behavior, the independence of the actor, as well as the term “behavior” used by psychologists non-behavioristes. That of “practice” emphasizes on the social and historical conditioning of individual behavior, as neither completely free, nor totally determined by the structures.

These definitions challenge reveal the ambivalence of the phenomenon. The policy is both what divides and what unites, which forces and makes free, the affair for politicians, and for ordinary citizens. How to identify behaviors associated to this activity?

We excluded from our field activities related to the exercise of political or administrative functions, the scope of the ‘professional’ policy appeared with the modern State. They fall under other logic, that of public activity, on which there are specific works.

Here, we will talk about the ‘governed,’ in multiple rapports that they maintain with the “governors,” to make a claim, defend their rights, to give their support or criticize their activities.

The verb to govern is taken in the broad sense. The State remains the main regulatory body. However, it is as well, increasingly, done by non-State actors, cities, businesses, international organizations. With the globalization of trade, European integration, decentralization, the levels of ‘governance’ are multiplied and relocated. The actors who have the power to arbitrate, “to draw the line” in the sense meant by the philosopher Michel Foucault, to fix the collective norms, to develop and implement standards of rules and “public policies.” Boycott a multinational that makes children work, demonstrate in Seattle against globalization, or protest against unemployment before the European Parliament, are political behaviors even if they are not directly addressed to the national State.

The policy is not limited to these vertical relationships of military rulers. To change the world there is also practice on a daily basis, without going through the electoral and political sphere.

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Research Paper on Dissociative Disorders

Dissociative disorders and conversion disorders are a group of reactive mental disorders whose main symptom is altered state of consciousness with prolonged and severe dissociation, psychosomatic symptoms, and poor interaction between functions of consciousness, in particular with regard to memory, perception, sensation, motor function, and identity.

Many of these disorders were classified in the past as hysteria. Dissociative disorders can turn into psychosis, the so-called hysterical psychosis. Unlike simple dissociation, which is a defense mechanism in normal psychology, it has a longer-lasting and dissociative interference palpable effect on mental health and debilitating.

About 10% of the population suffer dissociative disorder, and approximately 1% of population have a multiple personality disorder. About 16% of psychiatric clinic inmates (not outpatient) suffer from a dissociative disorder.

The lines between the shapes of the dissociative disorders is diffuse, and in most forms include memory loss, decreased consciousness or attendance rate and the change in motor skills. Common to all forms is that they can be triggered suddenly in response to mental stress or a life crisis or in response to something reminiscent of a past trauma, that the condition is prolonged. The symptoms do not depend on drugs, another psychosis or organic contingent malfunctions (brain damage, endocrine disorder, etc.). The functions affected are in all cases related to identity and its conditions, and also forms other than multiple personality disorder.

Symptoms of dissociative disorder are sometimes manifested as symptoms of somatic illnesses or drug abuse. According to ICD-10, dissociative disorder cannot be diagnosed until other disease or drug misuse have been excluded. The dissociative disorder is always a result of extreme stress or trauma. Such experience is necessary for someone to get dissociative disorder diagnosed.

The most famous group of dissociative disorders is multiple personality disorder (or split personality), which many believe to be a form of schizophrenia.

The dissociative disorders triggered by a mental trauma or intractable life problems often lasts no more than a week, but can become chronic. Somatic form disorders have also physical symptoms that cannot be explained by organic problems (fixed ideas), such as state of trance, hypoesthesia, and paralyses, and portrays the person’s idea of how a disease occurs.

Unlike somatic form disorders, the dissociative disorders symptoms do not cause any pain and the individual are rarely seeking contact to care for their physical symptoms. The dissociative individual’s indifference to their own physical ailments was described by Freud as La belle indifférence.

Self-injury is common for the patients with dissociative disorders, and occurs in between 20 and 50% of the cases, depending on the diagnosis. Self-injury is more common among women than men. One theory is that deliberate self-harm works as an experience of trauma and an identification with the aggressor; again the experience of trauma is also a common symptom in women.

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Glass Ceiling Research Paper

glass ceiling is an expression appeared in the United States at the end of the 1970s. This concept was first used in the Elia Kazan film, The Invisible Wall (1947). It became popular in 1986 following an article published in the Wall Street Journal; it referred to the fact that, in a hierarchical structure, the higher levels are not available to certain categories of persons. Although in this article, the term was used to stress the difficulty of access of women to senior positions, it is used since for other categories of persons. This expression is now common to refer to any case where an individual is confronted with a network of tacit, implicit, or even occult power that exclude the person from a higher level of power or pay, which he or she could claim.

More and more leaders are convinced of the importance of promoting the work of women. According to the list prepared by Ethics & Boards shows real equality in three companies: PSA Peugeot Citroën, Publicis and Virbac, with exemplary feminization and parity between mem and women in occupying leading positions. Nine others (including Nexity, Technip, Eurofins and Hermès International) have surpassed the 40% prescribed by law. With regard to the Executive Committees, Icade and Sodexo showed as low as 42.9% of women; CNP Assurances, JC Decaux, Orange and Technicolor have exceeded the 30% threshold provided by law, while Areva, CGG Veritas, Club Mediterranee and Kering have reached it only recently.

Whole swathes of the economy however lack women. In Europe, only 12% of trades are mixed. Women are over-represented in education, health and the ‘social’ sector and under-represented in the production and engineering. As it is shown in details in the work The Trades Have a Sex? by laboratory of equality (Belin), young girls do not rush into the engineering schools and even are less intending to technical careers. However, 86% of the French interviewed for the Syntec digital-BVA barometer declare that these occupations offer exciting prospects for women. Seventy-two percent believe in their skills qualify them for multi-purpose, 39% for avant-garde, and 27% for entrepreneurs.

However, there still a lot of obstacles for women to break through the glass ceiling on their development in the professional sphere: out of schools, graduates with equivalent positions and education, for their first job, they ask an average 5 000 euros less per year than men. This difference in wages will continue throughout their careers.

Certainly, for the time being, this good tendency is obvious, but for how long? The parity of the first Government of the French President Francois Hollande, continued the tradition in the Government of Manuel Valls, allowed to move the lines.

Women can only be satisfied, but the ambition displayed at the beginning of five years lost its pace.

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Research Paper on Coping with Stress

In Western societies, the term ‘stress’ is commonly used to describe our frenetic lifestyle, the urgent pace of work or any difficult situation that we face. More strictly, stress means our body reaction to any stimuli or solicitation on organization of such. The stress must be understood as a state of activation of the body which must mobilize its defences to face a potentially threatening situation.

In the literature, distinctions were made between positive stress, “good stress”, which becomes an adaptive engine and negative stress, with a negative impact on the person, either at the physical level (cardiovascular, gastric problems, headaches…), psychological (anxiety, anger, depression, problems of memory, concentration…) or even psychosomatic (eczema, asthma).

Moreover, one can differentiate an acute, contextual stress, caused by an isolated or casual event (for example, a presentation at work), or a chronic stress, expressed in a persistent manner, related to environmental conditions that are more difficult to control (such are poor working conditions, a chronic conflict with a third party or adaptation to a host society).

The causes may be various (work pressure, unhealthy social relations, dysfunctional family dynamics, financial or legal problems etc.). Each of us can identify its own factors of daily stress and each person has a way to respond to it.

Stress is a response mechanism of the body that can lead the stressed person to feel different emotions (fear, anger, rage, helplessness, and despair). Dr. Seyle described the evolution of the response of stress according to different stages: (1) initial alarm (the body mobilizes against the threat); (2) phase of resistance (the body maintain its response to fit) and, if the stressor persists; (3) stage of exhaustion (because the body cannot remain indefinitely in the resistance phase).

In addition, stress induces instinctively two types of behavior: (1) denial. If this response may sometimes be beneficial (e.g. move if your neighborhood gets too noisy), it is not always possible or desirable. The other answer (2) acceptance or adaptation to the agent stressful, which is often the best solution.

Life brings inexorably a lot of stress factors and there is no magic wand to eliminate them.

Stress becomes a problem when the person doesn’t seem to have the resources to understand situation, or when the stressful situation continues unless the individual can develop a control, or at least, a perception that allows the person to master minimally the situation.

Stress management is a common reason to consult a psychologist or psychotherapist. Psychotherapy can then help the person to better cope with the stress by preparing mentally and physically. Depending on the approach, some methods may be used (social skills/communication training, problem-solving, introspection/knowledge of self, analysis of negative thoughts, affirmation of oneself, breathing/relaxation, implementation of changes in life style, etc.,). In a therapeutic setting, professionals can assist you in the identification of factors causing stress and through the implementation of different coping strategies to face it positively.

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Research Paper on Somatosensory Systems

or somatosensory system is a sensory system that detects impulses, which are usually triggered by sensation of pressure, temperature (hot or cold), and pain (including itching and tickling sensations), as well as proprioception, which is the mode that helps to assess spatial positioning.

Sense of touch is considered one of the traditional five senses but does not a clear-cut concept. When you talk about senses that include touch, pressure and temperature as well as pain, it means that the sensation is a collective expression of many stimuli.

Sensory impressions are recorded by the sensory cells in the skin, muscles, joints, tendons, and in the internal organs and are transferred to the brain through the nervous system. Pain is recorded by so-called free nerve endings.
Sensory cells number and thus the sensitivity varies greatly across the body. The fingertips are sensitive areas while the back is relatively free of sensory cells. Continue reading “Research Paper on Somatosensory Systems”

Research Paper on Sex Offenders Behavior

kissing, oral sex, sexual intercourse and all other types of sexual activities are considered sexual assault if done without mutual agreement.

To assault someone who says no, one must have one or more problems. But all aggressors do not act according the same pattern. The aggressors are not alike. A common point, however: the overwhelming majority of aggressors are male, between 96 and 99%. Would the genetic there be a negative influence leading to aggression or lack of empathy? In any case, there are several very different types of sexual offenders behaviour.

Three types have been described by Bagaria: Continue reading “Research Paper on Sex Offenders Behavior”

Research Paper on States of Consciousness

States of consciousness are a temporary state of change in social perception, mental presence, and self-perception. Consciousness can be enhanced or blurred. An altered state of consciousness is often due to an unusual experience, but can also be a sign of somatic disorders, drugs, or a mental disorder.

Consciousness can be changed in the sense that it is limited, as at dusk and tunnel vision, which may be caused by fatigue or loss of consciousness, or it is dreamlike, as during daydreams.

In unusual or unexpected experiences, it is normal that consciousness is changing, with changes associated with emotional experiences, perceptions, and cognitive reactions. In case of danger, it is common that the mind is focused on the danger and that consciousness thereby is enchanced. In shock, on the other hand, the consciousness is clouded, and the person may then fall into unconsciousness, an extreme form of altered state of consciousness, or fell in the state of trance.

Positive experiences can also alter consciousness, for example, love lead to enhanced perception.

Consciousness can also change because of injury or disease in the brain or systemic diseases affecting the central nervous system. It is common for fever, insulin problems (diabetes or hypoglycemia), migraine, epilepsy, concussion, stroke, or hypoxia. Such states frequently sought approval for consuming psychoactive substances to either step up awareness, or to be mentally asleep or absorbed.

Altered states of consciousness are not uncommon for mental health problems or disorders, such as, for example, dissociative disorders, which main symptoms are dissociation. Moreover, serious changes in states of consciousness also occurs in various forms of schizophrenia.

In different religions altered states of consciousness are considered to be common mystical experiences, for example, in the form of extrasensory perception. Other variations include hypnosis, near death experiences and out-of-body experience.

State of human consciousness is determined by a number of interrelated factors. So, the level of human activity depends on the natural successive cycles of waking and sleep states. States of consciousness are also subject to change under the influence of drugs, they also depend on the nature of the signals that come through our sensory organs from the external world. Some signals coming from our mentality such as images stored in our memory also affect our consciousness, with the set of signals determined by the nature of congenital and acquired the requirements.

Modern psychology recognizes two fundamental states of consciousness inherent in all individuals: first and foremost is the sound sleep as a State of relaxation, as well as the state of wakefulness, or active state. Wake is a condition where we can actively adapt to the signals coming from the outside and from within.

To find out more information on the topic, please consider consulting free sample research papers on states of consciousness.

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