Multiculturalism Research Paper

Multiculturalism or cultural diversity is a sociological and cultural theoretical expression with multiple meanings, as described below. As a descriptive term, it refers to a relationship in which several ethnic groups with different cultures come together in the same political unit. Multiculturalism can also refer to ideological social analyses, which in varying degrees affirm cultural origins by a variety of ethnic influences as something good or inevitable. Multiculturalism deals with, among other things, the authorities’ approach to a society with many ethnic backgrounds and tolerance for cultural differences within the same State. The synonyms and related terms to multiculturalism are “ethnic diversity” and “cultural pluralism”.

The term was first used in 1957 to describe Switzerland, but spread throughout the 1960s, particularly in Western Europe and the United States. It is often used to describe societies that carries hints of or comprises many different cultures, for example, because of the immigration. The differences can cause anxiety that the nation should lose its identity, but there are also cultural exchanges that give advantages to the various factions. For example, it could be about new influences in art, literature and philosophy, as well as free improvisation of music styles, clothing styles and cuisine. Continue reading “Multiculturalism Research Paper”

Research Paper on Standardized Tests

Standardized testing is an evaluation tool, the purpose of which is to measure and evaluate the performance of students in relation to the other students participating in the same test. Such tests are generally issued by specialized institutions (e.g., College Board). They test training and development level through the challenging and extensive process, whereby great emphasis is made on the complexity of the tests and their subsequent systematic evaluation. Before being put into practice, all of the tests are verified and documented thoroughly.

This ensures that the properties of the tests and their parameters are always exactly defined and known in advance. The manual is usually a part of the standardized tests, from which the user learns about the properties of the test and its proper use. There is also a test standard, according to which the evaluation of performances is done. Standardized tests are often used to measure the results of teaching for longer periods of time and are used predominantly for repeated measurements in a large number of pupils and students.

We can divide the tests in such category as: Continue reading “Research Paper on Standardized Tests”

Polyamory Research Paper

Polyamory (from Greek ????, poly, many, or several, and the Latin amor, love) is a practice, desire, or ability to multiple simultaneous love relationships, with the consent of all involved. Polyamory differs from polygamy, which is marriage between a number of parties.

Those who practice polyamory emphasize love and emotional connection to all those they are with. They look at love as a feeling that just gets stronger the more you know it, rather than have a special love relationship that is shared between two people. They believe that every relationship is different and you cannot replace someone you love just because you also start to love someone else.

In practical terms, there are countless variations, from having multiple partners or to be in relation with married couple where both have other partners to three or more people who love each other and live together. Continue reading “Polyamory Research Paper”

Research Paper on Conspiracy Theories

A conspiracy theory (from the Latin “conspirare” meaning breathing together) is a hypothesis or theory about a conspiracy or plot. Often the term is used in the pejorative sense, but can also refer to factual hypotheses about actual combinations.

It is common to use the term in the pejorative sense of the word. Usually the story involves a group of powerful or influential individuals or institutions. These people are often assumed to have vast resources at their disposal and working in secret to achieve economic or political power or other benefits. Typically, however, there are a number of people, conspiracy theorists, who see it as their mission to uncover the truth for the unknowing public and feel constantly under threat of being muzzled because of their knowledge.

The widely known and persistent conspiracy theories in the modern era, which is widely considered to be groundless, are the moon landing conspiracy and the circumstances surrounding the Kennedy assassination in the 1960s. Many conspiracy theories are also applicable to major events in world history and are explained by the conspirators behind the scenes manipulating and staged political events. Continue reading “Research Paper on Conspiracy Theories”

LGBT Research Paper

LGBT is an abbreviation, which primarily stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, but occasionally is also used as a noun, then also within the meaning of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender person/persons.” Another option is less frequent abbreviation GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender), which can be distinguished less of a feminist by the fact that the word lesbian went up to the second place.

There are also similar abbreviations, but having different content:

  • GLB = “gay, Lesbian and bisexual” (occasionally used as noun)
  • LGB = “lesbian, gay, and bisexual” (occasionally used as noun)
  • LGBTQ = “lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer” (occasionally used as noun)
  • LGBTI = “lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersexual” (occasionally used as noun)
  • LGBTIQ = lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersexual and queer” (occasionally used as noun)

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Research Paper on Charter Schools

Charter school is a school that is not run by the public sector, but which are mainly funded by tax money. This is different from privat schools as privat schools are partly or wholly financed by student fees. Charter schools may have different types of owners, such as foundations, chart enterprises, and non-profit organizations.

To start a charter school, principal must apply to the State school inspection. If the school meets the requirements and is approved by the School Inspectorate, it receives the contribution from the student home communities. The school is obliged to continuously participate in municipal activity and is subjet to School Inspectorate regular inspection. In the case of serious improprieties, the School Inspectorate is to revoke the school’s status and entitlement to the refund.

Charter schools are available at both primary and secondary level. There are also charter schools corresponding to special schools, which usually is integrated in a standalone primary school, as well as charter schools corresponding secondary level. Self-contained preschool can also be operated in conjunction with stand-alone elementary school or special school. Continue reading “Research Paper on Charter Schools”

Research Paper on Smog

Smog is the chemical pollution of the atmosphere caused by human activity. The name comes from connecting words smoke and fog. This phenomenon is due to enriching atmosphere with particles, which normally are not its part, and which are detrimental to health. The initial designation referred to the serious problem of smog in London from the end of the 19th century.

The smog then was caused by burning large quantities of coal within the city. Modern smog, plenty of which can be found, for example, in Los Angeles, is a kind of pollution coming from the exhaust gases produced by internal combustion engines of cars and industrial machinery. Smog contains particles of soot from the smoke, sulphur dioxide, and other components Exposed to the sunlight, they interact with each other and produce secondary compounds, which are then blended with the primary emissions, creating photochemical smog. Atmospheric pollution in Los Angeles, Mexico City and other cities is more pronounced when the inversion traps the pollution close to the ground.

Scientifically, smog is divided into two types: reducing smog and oxidizing smog. Continue reading “Research Paper on Smog”

Three Strikes Law Research Paper

Three strikes law, also known as the “law of the three crimes” is a legislation enacted at the State level in the United States, on the basis of which the State courts are to sentence to long prison terms those who have committed three serious crimes. This form of condemning offenders has become very popular in the United States since the end of the 20th century.

In American jurisprudence, these laws are also known as habitual offender laws. The name of these laws has emerged from the rules of the game of baseball where the batter can miss three strikes before he retire from the game.

Unlike the common idea, these laws are intended not so much to “fight against recidivism” than to enclose and exclude offenders from society for very long periods (parole is sometimes excluded), in accordance with the so-called theory of selective incapacitation that a low number of persons having trouble with justice are responsible for the vast majority of crimes and offences. Continue reading “Three Strikes Law Research Paper”

Research Paper on Sweatshops

Sweatshop is a derogatory term for workshops or manufacturers, usually in a developing country, exploiting people for doing low-wage work. To lower unit labor costs, multinational corporations often outsource their jobs with moderate training needs using mainly manual workers working in sweatshops.

The working conditions prevailing in such establishments are often described as follows:

  • no collective agreements
  • long working hours
  • ignoring workplace security

Sweatshops are found predominantly in developing and emerging markets (in Latin America under the name of maquiladora). In India, many young girls and women work in sweatshops (e.g., Sumangali factories) because they need to generate the socially anchored dowry. Continue reading “Research Paper on Sweatshops”

Antisocial Behavior Research Paper

Antisocial behavior is a behavior harmful to society in general and to the individuals who compose it. Anantisocial person is deliberately or unintentionally indifferent to the standards that govern society. This type of behavior can manifest itself in several ways: aggression, violence, and violation of other people rights, egocentrism, irresponsible behavior (the subject does not measure the consequences of his actions), absence of guilt… Psychotherapy is the base treatment, sometimes accompanied by antipsychotic drugs.

In more narrow sense, antisocial behavior is an attenuated form of psychopathy. The person with antisocial personality disorder shows indifference against social norms and cultural codes, as well as the emotions and rights of others. It generally adopts an impulsive behavior, to meet its own needs, regardless of the consequences on others.

Antisocial behavior study also uses the term sociopath to designate people diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder.

2.1% to 4.3% of the population suffers from this personality disorder. People with personality antisocial behavior are almost exclusively male. Continue reading “Antisocial Behavior Research Paper”