Refrigerants and Global Warming Essay

Initially, natural substances such as methyl ether and dimethyl ether were used in the compression units of refrigerating units. However, these substances were retired following toxicity and safety concerns. Later, safety issues were overcome with the introduction of CFCs. Unlike the former substances, CFC’s were considered safe since they were non-flammable. However, the introduction of these second generation refrigerants raised environmental concerns were they were observed to cause ozone layer depletion (Wallington et al., 1994). Consequently, all ozone depleting substances are being banned from used with companies advised to seek less harmful refrigerants. Continue reading “Refrigerants and Global Warming Essay”

King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud Essay

World history is full of outstanding leaders. One of them is King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud. The full name is Abdulaziz ibn Abdul Rahman ibn Faisal ibn Turki ibn Abdullah ibn Muhammad Al Saud. This name belongs to one of the most famous people in the history of Saudi Arabia. This is the founder and the first monarch of the new kingdom. The man led a long and difficult struggle to restore the integrity of his homeland. The future king was born on January 15, 1876 in Riyard. The boy was not interested in religion at all and dreamed of great military campaigns. Since childhood, Abdulaziz wanted to restore the family honor of the house of the Saudis. At the age of 23, being quite young, the boy was able to win back the homelands of Riyard. In the world, the king is also known as a good reformer. The system of the armed forces created by him had no changes until the death of Abdulaziz (Wilson & Graham, 2016). Continue reading “King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud Essay”

Pop Culture Essay

Popular culture is understood as the culture based on the tastes of the common people as opposed to the tastes of the elite. Although there is difficulty in establishing a working definition of the popular culture, it can described as the set of available artifacts such as films, clothes, architecture, television programs and records. From an anthropological point of view, culture from a broader sense encompasses a particular way of life that expresses certain meanings both in art and learning as well as in institutions and the ordinary behavior. In the contemporary cultural studies, popular culture is used to describe the industrial societies since the term became widely used during post industrial revolution era. In this sense, anthropology creates an ethnographic sense in this evolving and ambiguous cultural perspective that spreads across disciplines. Continue reading “Pop Culture Essay”

Applying Mission Command to Overcome Challenges Essay

Mission command is the meticulous execution of mission type orders through the art of balancing the command and the science of controlling during a military operation. General David H. Petraeus, was assigned the responsibility of rescuing a failing war according to the then President which was characterized by daily deaths averaging 100 or 2000-3000 per month, increasing resurgence of dissidents both internally and externally.

This report highlights how he managed to visualize and design a sustainable restoration of order in a complicated environment. It also addresses how using the mutually dependent principles of mission command enabled his ability to overcome existing challenges. Continue reading “Applying Mission Command to Overcome Challenges Essay”

Nurse Burnout Essay

In the previous years, many epidemiological studies show a high occurrence of specialized stress syndromes of burnout in many nations. The assessment of exhaustion in occupational settings indicates that the burnout condition ensues among specialists whose job mainly involves intense interactions and constant demands during interactions with people who have emotional and physical needs. Unsatisfactory work leads to lasting outlooks of depersonalization, emotional exhaustion, and cynicism among professionals in their daily encounters. Generally, the burnout syndrome is common among teachers and health workers because the occupations have work stress and burnout that are caused by various factors outside the work environment. The existing data suggest that the burnout issues that have a widespread adverse effect on nurses, and thus, the comprehension of burnout dimension facilitates the creation of interventions to address the issue. Continue reading “Nurse Burnout Essay”

Intercultural Communication Essay

Intercultural communication is the study of communication across various cultures and social groups; and how the culture alters communication. This is a prompt for scholars and practitioners to indulge in more research. Through cross-cultural relations, people can help improve how they know about other people, their cultures, cultural history, and promote less discrimination. Hence, the focus will mainly be on the need to study intercultural communication, which will be illustrated as below.

The Self-Awareness Imperative
As indicated in the above context, there is a great need for self-awareness on the expertise of cross-cultural communication. The world is fused through money, and the only way a person can gain power in changing and reshaping it is through the economic prestige (Alex, 2011). One way of gaining this is through fostering good negotiation skills, and this is by conducting business with a different category of people from various cultural backgrounds with the help of technology that has helped fasten the process. Continue reading “Intercultural Communication Essay”

Reason and Reality Essay

According to Kant, synthetic a proiri judgment is possessing information on aspects beyond logic but not based on experience. However, synthetic elements are referred to fall under empirical aspects, i.e., based on experience. Kant is against that belief; synthetic knowledge ought to be a priori. He believes experience could be erased, but the knowledge would still stand ground. He proceeds to claim that mathematics is a synthetic a priori judgment. He uses the example of space and time to explain synthetic a priori judgment and that space and time will appear after they are addressed in thought. He relates space to geometry, that is, to achieve the understanding of the synthetic a priori judgments of space in pure intuition then one has to use geometry due to its scientific aspect. However, Kant’s idea was argued by the newly formed non-Euclidean geometries. Kant insisted Euclidean space is the only empirical space. However, the formation of non-Euclidean geometry suggested that Kant’s idea should be denied. Kant was not against non-Euclidean geometry thus it should not apply to his ideology. Continue reading “Reason and Reality Essay”

Media Propaganda Essay

Today, media is the most powerful and effective method of communication. It is not only effective but an influential force in the many ethnicities. It is a significant instrument of socialization, and it sets the standard that most people follow. As a result, the power that social media holds has allowed people to use it as a tool of strategized propaganda. To some extent, the internet promotes social conflict rather than serve the purpose of relieving public conflict. The use of internet has created an image in the mind of users that has a psychological, sociological and economic impact.

The intent of the media in general is not only to enlighten and entertain, but also satisfy its own agenda. Propaganda is meant to manipulate the attitude of the masses; the media does this by presenting one side of an argument to create specific results Today, government and corporations have the unique ability of processing data, and then through advanced algorithms, to transmit messages and images which they post in the media to manipulate people’s decisions. Continue reading “Media Propaganda Essay”

Essay Prompt Sample

How could the concept of an organization’s culture influence Drew’s decision, according to the Organizational Culture Theory?
Over the years, the science of management has played a vital role in developing organizations and defining the manner in which start-ups operate. With a focus on organization culture theory, Michael Pacanowsky, and Nick O’Donnell-Trujillo bring to the mind the belief that organization culture theory defines communication methods of a given company and affect the perceptions of the individuals regarding the organization (West and Lynn 272). The theory affects the effectiveness of interaction among staff within an organization. Organizational culture, therefore, is the heart of a given organization because it consists of shared symbols and values that give meaning to the business (West and Lynn 276). For instance, the company’s stories, beliefs, and values define the culture of the organization. With a focus on the organizational culture theory, the essay seeks to identify how the concept of the theory might influence Drew’s decision towards choosing a company upon graduation. Drew is torn between choosing a family business and a bigger corporation after graduation. It is interesting to note that he is torn between choosing a family business versus working for a bigger corporation. Continue reading “Essay Prompt Sample”

Exploitation of Migrant Workers Essay

1. Berg, Laurie, and Bassina Farbenblum. “Remedies For Migrant Worker Exploitation In Australia: Lessons From The 7-Eleven Wage Repayment Program.” Melbourne University Law Review 3 (2017): n. pag. Web. 4 Nov. 2018.
The article by Laurie Berg and Bassina Farbenlum embarks upon the problems of migrant workers in Australia who do not receive adequate wages and suffer from a variety of issues due to the severe underpayment. The authors expose the problem of underpayment in some of the major corporations who hire migrants and international students so that they can save some money by not paying them sufficiently. The authors support their thesis with the testimonies of the international students and working migrants from various countries who work in Australia and do not receive payments sufficient to the work they do. The authors talk about the historical background and the impact of the globalization on the job market in Australia to further emphasize their thesis. The major problem, as the author sees it, is that the employers in Australia are reluctant to pay more to the immigrants because of the biased attitude they have towards them. The authors of the article have a point since it is true that the employers do not want to pay much to the immigrants considering them to be more willing to work for any wage they get offered. This indicates an alarming trend in the labor market that impacts both immigrants and the locals. The authors admit that the immigrants are more likely to accept a lower wage offer, and as a result, they occupy the workplaces that would in other way be occupied by the locals. Thereby, the labor market suffers significantly because of the underpayment issue. The other thing here is that the quality of life of the immigrants gets much worse due to the underpayment problem. Continue reading “Exploitation of Migrant Workers Essay”