Essay: Global Warming Reduction

Global warming, ozone holes, greenhouse effect and etc – this is not a complete list of all ecological concerns that alarm every person, every family, every country and the world as a single whole. Nowadays the humanity lives under constant threat of enormous ecological disaster that might wipe every living creature off the face of the Earth. Isn’t it awful? I think it is. Maybe I’m exaggerating when saying that every person is concerned about it. It’s is obviously not so, otherwise the necessary measures would have been taken to prevent it by now. But in reality nothing is really done. We continue to live the way we’re used to, consuming a lot of electricity, gas and destroying natural environment. Though, a lot of Americans are used to recycling by now, nobody agreed to reduce the amount of electricity and water being consumed, or gasoline being put into fuel tank to ride hundreds of miles a day. It’s is obvious that a single citizen cannot change anything even obeying all principles of Greenpeace. To fight this problem it’s necessary to unite, and government should be the head. Continue reading “Essay: Global Warming Reduction”

Essay on Socialist Realism

of all I would like to make a brief note on what distinguished Russian socialist realists with Russian nonconformist artists. Then I will analyze the works that were created by these different two groups of artists.

The socialist realism era started with the communist reign on the territory of the Soviet Union. It was propagated by the socialist realism doctrine which would subordinate all art to the purpose of the state (Morris, 203). In other words it would meant that all artists were subject to censorship from the state and thus had to create something that would be wanted and liked by the communist party of the soviet union. Thus, the communist state used art as a mean of propaganda. During the Stalin era, art would be used to support Stalin’s cult of personality (Kohn, 70).

Among the most famous social realist artists were Alexander Gerasimov who was Stalin’s personal painter. He would work for other soviet leaders like Kliment Voroshilov. Continue reading “Essay on Socialist Realism”

Essay: The Importance of Studying Sociology of Education

you not moved to a desert island yet? Then, would you like it or not, you are a part of the society. It does not matter how much proud your personality makes you because you are living in the society and must obey the laws according to which it develops. These laws are the subject which the science called sociology explores.

The development of the society is not a chaotic process, it happens according to a consistent pattern. If you are able to understand some inner workings which provide the existing of our society you can not only understand the path of evolution of any society but as well predict its perspectives. This is exactly what sociology does. Continue reading “Essay: The Importance of Studying Sociology of Education”

Essay on Culture is our Heritage

Culture is a very complex phenomenon which usually means all the variety of human activity focused on acquiring and accumulating knowledge and skills, as well as the perceptional understanding of the world.

Historians believe that humanity is at least 2-2,5 million years old. This period means time during which our species has been separated from many others. But how exactly was it separated? First of all with its longing to know and to create. All the knowledge and skills humanity has acquired though this time is what makes up the concept of culture.

We make use of the material goods, speak one or several languages, are subject to traditions and rituals, social norms and existential values. We are the society and as such a carrier of the human culture. Thus, to be a human means to use the experience that has been acquired by all the previous generations. Continue reading “Essay on Culture is our Heritage”

Essay on Sports as a Career

sport as a complex structure is an ambivalent, controversial, and paradoxical culture phenomenon, which has been studied in many researches. This phenomenon has relation with such action-oriented disciplines as economy, politics, science, and education, value criteria and society moral settings. On the other hand, it is vitally connected to the audience and media appeal, commercial viability, and image status.

In general terms, a professional sporting career is a long-time activity directed on fulfilling high achievement goals in a sport and consistent bettering of the achievement for the proper material compensation. This type of activity is fairly complex as it is practiced on the extreme field of competition. The task of mastering this activity is a long-term task of acquiring proper skills and conditions. Continue reading “Essay on Sports as a Career”

Writing a Critical Analysis Paper on a Movie

you study at high school and college, you need to prepare a movie review from time to time. This assignment teaches young professionals to analyze the chosen movie profoundly and pay attention to the smallest details. It helps develop your critical thinking skills and analyze problems objectively. Doubtless, it is sometimes difficult to complete a successful analytical paper on a movie; therefore, students need special instructions to cope with this challenge efficiently.

#1. Watch the Movie

  • Watch the Movie for the First TimeYou will hardly make a successful movie analysis paper if you do not watch the suggested film attentively. Be ready to watch the movie at least two times. Firstly, you will need to watch the film without taking notes. Understand the main idea of the movie and catch its message. In simple words, you are supposed to enjoy the film and recognize the most captive moments and choose the most gripping characters. Make your general impression of the movie.
  • Watch the Movie and Make NotesWhen you watch the movie for the second time, you will need to be much more attentive. You should even stop the movie to make notes. Write down the descriptions of the main characters and events. Mark the plot development in the chronological order. Write as many details as possible. Pay attention to the work of the cameraman, designers and the experts who are responsible for special effects and decorations. The quality of your notes will determine the professionalism of your paper. Finally, if you manage to note enough details, you will not need to waste time and watch the movie for the third time.

Continue reading “Writing a Critical Analysis Paper on a Movie”

Essay: How Did Geography Shape Greek History?

is known to be the cradle of Western Civilization inasmuch as the cultural, political, economic and social roots of the UK, the USA, Spain, Italy, France, Germany, etc. are found in Ancient Greece.

Every well-educated person who lives in Europe, the USA, Canada and Australia knows about the greatest Greek philosophers and poets whereas they established the background for the development of the entire European Culture. Therefore, everyone should know at least something about the history of Ancient Greece and its contribution into Western Civilization. Why was Ancient Greece so successful? What factors influenced its cultural, philosophical, political and economic growth?

Without question, geography is supposed to be the most influential factor of the original development of Greece. Why is geography important? When you pay attention to the culture and worldview of different nations, you will notice that their values, lifestyle and traditions are determined by their geographical position. For instance, look at such northern countries as Norway, the UK, Sweden, Germany and Russia. These nations have always lived in severe climate conditions.

They know everything about snowy cold winters and short mild summers. Needless to say but such people are trained to survive in dramatic climatic challenges. They are perfect hunters and sailors. As might be expected, their climate influenced their culture, worldview, traditions and art. When you read a German or Swedish poem, you will notice numerous pessimistic and existential elements that emphasize the complicated conditions of life of both nations. Ancient Greeks had completely different climatic conditions. Their country is located in the south of Europe. The climate is supposed to be perfect for life. Greeks do not have cold winters and they are able to enjoy warm weather all the year round. This climate is perfect for such crops as olives and grapes. No wonder, Ancient Greece are associated with the culture of wine. Those people did not have to struggle for their survival. They have always had plenty of food. Hereupon, their character and worldview was completely different. They were sociable, amiable and temperamental. They were satisfied with their life and developed literature, art and philosophy in comparison with the ‘wild northern barbarians’ whose major craft was war.

Greece is known to be divided into separate regions by its mountains. Apparently, people settled down along the banks of rivers and fertile valleys. The mountains influenced political and economic life of the country considerably. On the one hand, the mountains played the role of the natural shield or wall. Nearly every settlement was surrounded by the high hills. These hills helped defend from various enemies. On the other hand, these mountains prevented the holistic development of the single united country. Different cities could not cooperate in the natural way as long as they were separated by the hills. For that reason, Ancient Greece is characterized with its specific political structure. The entire country consisted of the city-states. Every city was like a separate kingdom with its own economy, army and interests. What is more, the mountains made overland trade practically impossible. Hereof, the country traded with other Mediterranean countries by sea.

The sea is another important geographical factor that influenced the development of Ancient Greece.

Nearly every city had the direct access towards the sea; therefore, marine trade was quite solid at that time. No wonder, Greeks were known as the best merchants of the ancient period. Being the best sailors and merchants, Greeks influenced other Mediterranean countries and borrowed numerous elements from other countries. Moreover, the proximity of the sea made fish one of the most notable food products. When you pay attention to the Greek cuisine, you will see that nearly every traditional dish contains seafood.

It is hard to say whether the Greek geographical position was favorable for its agriculture. Because of numerous hills and mountains, there is no place for intensive agriculture. People had to go to the internal regions of the country in order to grow crops. The most widespread and common crops were olives and grapes. Grapes are paramount for the Greek Culture inasmuch as these people enjoyed wine. This drink was very important at that time and people consumed it several times a day.

Ultimately, geography shaped Greek history in different ways. The most notable factors are the mountains, the sea and warm climate that enabled ancient people to grow figs, olives and grapes. This geographical position helped Greece become one of the most influential Mediterranean countries more than 2000 years ago.

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Essay: Understanding and Controlling Teenage Suicide

is one of the most complicated and challenging periods of human life. Teenagers are known to be emotional, active and sometimes rebellious. They want to find their place in this world; therefore, there are conflicts between parents and children. Adolescents do not understand their parents and vice versa.

Thus, we can speak about the so-called generation gap. Young people are rebellious inasmuch as they protest against the conservative norms of the current society. They are looking for something fresh and imposing. Many young people begin studying intensively being interested in the specific discipline. Others get involved into art, music or sports. In simple words, they want to find their strong and weak sides.

Unluckily, there are teenagers who demonstrate their protest against the surrounding world with the help of violence and deviant behavior. Finally, there are adolescents who decide to solve their problems with the help of self-harm. Continue reading “Essay: Understanding and Controlling Teenage Suicide”

Essay on Positive Behavior Support

does human behavior influence the quality of her work? What should parents and teachers do to improve a child’s behavior? Positive behavior support is a system of methods that focuses on the support of the certain models of positive behavior for the improvement of an individual’s performance. This problem is quite noteworthy and requires additional attention whereas human behavior is one of the most visible indicators of her activity. When one wants to change one’s reaction towards an irritant, he should apply the specific psychological methods.

Positive behavior support is a weighty element of psychological investigations. In addition, it is one the key components of the successful bringing up. Unquestionably, parents have always wanted to bring up their children properly. There is hardly a mother who has not dreamt about a well-bred and polite son. For sure, the processes of bringing up and education are very difficult, inasmuch as a parent has to deal with a child’s character. Needless to say but human character is very stable and firm. It is very difficult to alter it with the help of any outer factors. Nearly every human being tries to resist any imposed model of behavior.

When one refuses behaving in a certain way, it is hard to persuade him acting in the way you want. If you want to improve your child’s behavior, you ought to be patient and inventive. Besides, this process consumes much time, as a child will resist your pressure. Your duty is to notice the cases of the positive behavior of your child and support them in the right manner. When a lazy boy makes his bed or washes dishes after dinner, you ought to encourage this behavior. When he sees that he is rewarded for these actions, he will continue washing dishes and cleaning his room.

Undoubtedly, this approach is effective in different situations, especially in education. Very few children enjoy studying. A smart parent will be able to persuade his child in the necessity of education. Without question, he will have to apply various methods and techniques in order to reach this goal. Reward is the most beneficial method of positive behavior support. When a child receives good marks, he should be provided with verbal and emotional reward. In some cases, it is reasonable to encourage him with the help of sweets and pocket money. In my opinion, the most practical reward is the access towards a computer. If one studies well, he is permitted to spend his free time playing video games.

The structure of positive behavior support is quite complicated. This process is based on numerous elements. Foremost, one should understand that it is impossible to control another person’s behavior.

Secondly, every problem has its cause and effect. When one behaves negatively, there are certain reasons of this behavior. To my mind, one should define the actual reason of the negative behavior before trying to change it. The next step is associated with the complete understanding of the total plan of actions aimed at the change of one’s model of behavior. When you want to achieve any positive results in positive behavior support, you ought to rely on the theoretical knowledge in the field of practical psychology. It is impossible to utilize random methods when you strive to improve one’s behavior. You are expected to read the right books and online articles that inform about the specific methods in the particular situations. The last element of the whole structure is the rejection of punishment. Parents and teachers should be consistent in their actions. When they support the positive behavior of their child, they must not punish the cases of the negative behavior strictly. The child should understand that he receives a reward for his good behavior.

When he behaves badly, he does not receive anything. This approach is brand new and liberal. No wonder, the supporters of the conservative methods of bringing up criticize it fervently.

Positive behavior support is characterized with the complex and systematic approach towards the improvement of one’s model of behavior. Experts say that the most advantageous element of the whole system is reward. It is easier to alter one’s behavior in specific situations when he is rewarded for his positive actions.

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Servant Leadership Essay

Servant leadership is said to be the most ethical strategy of management. What is your idea about servant leadership? How does servant leadership differ from traditional leadership? In my opinion, the concept of servant leadership has existed for centuries. This form of management is characterized with the ethical approach towards leadership, employees, customers and human society in the whole. A servant-leader is the leader who cares about employee satisfaction, the quality of their performance, the quality of goods and services and their usefulness for consumers.

In simple words, a servant-leader is the leader who wants to develop his own business for the good of the entire society.

To my mind, it will be right to focus on the historical development of the concept of servant leadership. Firstly, it is a kind of philosophy, which is based on altruism. It is possible to say that servant leadership was applied in China. The idea of this model of leadership was based on the fact that the leader worked in such a way that people barely knew about the existence of this leader. The same model of leadership existed in India. The ideal ruler is the one who cares about the wellbeing of his people but not about his own wealth. There are many details of servant leadership in Christianity. When one reads the Bible, he will notice that Jesus and Apostles said about the ideal rulers. The ruler is supposed to be responsible for every person in his country. He should be willing to help them.

The modern understanding of servant leadership is based on the essay, The Servant as Leader, written by Robert Greenleaf in 1970. His understanding of a servant-leader is associated with the proper encouragement of the team of employees. The right leader should start working first in order to encourage others. Moreover, he should be interested in the wellbeing of his employees and customers.

Traditional leadership is represented by the leader who is situated on the top of the corporate pyramid. He cares about the wellbeing of his firm and his own family. Such leaders exploit employees, reduce salaries and produce poor-quality goods and services forgetting about their harm to the consumer’s health. Finally, they do not care about the environment and human society in general. No wonder, such firms are connected with corruption, pollution, etc. Unfortunately, nearly every entrepreneur embodies this traditional model of leadership nowadays.

Every servant-leader should build his company according to the principles of morality and ethics. He cooperates with his employees and invents the best solutions of the existing problems.

Furthermore, the leader cares about the proper working conditions for his employees in order to improve employee satisfaction and performance. As a result, the leader achieves loyal employees.

Then, it is important to care about the wellbeing of every business partner. No wonder, a good leader will try to satisfy investors and stakeholders, because they are important for the development of his company. Next, a servant-leader is supposed to care about the life and health of every customer. It is important to produce healthy and ecologically safe goods, which will not cause harm to the consumer’s health. When a customer is satisfied with the quality and price of a product, he becomes loyal to this firm or brand. The company ruled by a servant-leader will try to contribute into the development of the human society. For example, such companies play the role of sponsors of various sports competitions and organize various social events. They help the people who are in need and do their best to create the ideal society.

Servant leadership is a special set of techniques, which are aimed at the proper organization of the process of production. The leader is responsible for the development of his firm, his employees, customers and the wellbeing of the human society. Unfortunately, there are very few companies, which apply this model of leadership on practice.

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