Balanced Diet Research Paper

A healthy life is not possible without a balanced diet. According to the doctors, the population health only for about 10-15% depends on the quality of the health care. The genetic factors and environment are not of less importance. However, the most significant influence on our health has our way of life.

Those college writers, trying their best to write a decent research paper on balanced diet, have to know that for healthy living, human body needs good nutrition.

We need:

  • water, because our cells predominantly consist of liquid;
  • proteins, mineral substances is the building material for cells and tissues;
  • fats, carbohydrates are energy sources;
  • vitamins, trace elements, thanks to them, there is metabolism.

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Research Paper on 3G vs WiFi

Nowadays it is difficult to find a person who does not have a mobile phone that allows him or her to not only be always connected to the network but also surf the Web, watch video or play online, as well as send messages. As is known, for greater demand there is adequate proposition. Due to the rapid increase in the number of Internet users and the fast progress in mobile communication, recently, we have seen rapid progress in the field of wireless communications.

Modern communication networks brought us high data transfer buy
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rate broadband, and the most popular among them are Wi-Fi and 3G.

The main differences between Wi-Fi and 3G networks are the following: Continue reading “Research Paper on 3G vs WiFi”

Scientific Revolution Research Paper

Scientific revolution refers to the period of establishing modern science paradigm during the early modern period, when the discoveries in such sciences as mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology (including anatomy), and chemistry, radically changed the knowledge on nature and society. According to traditional views, scientific revolution begun in Europe towards the end of the Renaissance and continued until the end of the 18th century, influencing such intellectual movement, as the Age of Enlightenment.

While there is no single opinion about the exact dates of this period, the publishing in 1543 of Nicolaus Copernicus’s book The Rotation of Celestial Spheres and Andreas Vesalius’ The Structure of The Human Body (the same year), usually referred to as events, initiating the scientific revolution.

Sometimes the term “scientific revolution” refers to other periods in history, in which, thanks to the creation of entirely new scientific theories the view on the world has been radically changed. Continue reading “Scientific Revolution Research Paper”

Research Paper on Sex Crimes

Sex crime is any act of a sexual nature without consent. UK criminal law (Criminal Justice act, 1991) allows courts to impose long terms of imprisonment, if the person committed sexual crime constitutes a danger to the public. As a rule, such crimes are committed by male individuals.

Sex crime (sexual violence, child sexual abuse in the family) is participation of one or more persons in sexual activity against their will, regardless of their age, gender, or origin, when at least one of them is unable to appreciate the nature of the activities to which he is conscripted, or cannot give informed consent for this activity.

The phenomenon of sexual crime is common in many societies and in all social groups. As a rule, male individuals are violators, and the victims are predominantly women and girls, while boys more rarely become victims of such crimes. According to the latest studies, women can also be guilty of sexual abuse, but such cases are relatively rare. It is known that domestic violence is often accompanied by sexual abuse. Continue reading “Research Paper on Sex Crimes”

Video Game Design Research Paper

Video game design means development of video game. Video game development involves two companies, one of which is the developer and the other is publisher. Developer is the company, which directly creates a game and in general is completely focused on the technical component of the development process.

The entire video game industry is conditionally divided into two parts: large companies and indie developers. The large companies publish AAA games, which are aimed at a wide audience and meet the needs of a very large number of people (a kind of pop products, however, of a very high quality); the indie developers are developing low-cost game and sell it themselves.

The simplest games are created for 2-3 months, while complex projects can take a couple of years. There are as well the so-called never-ending projects developed for nearly 10 years. Only very few large company can survive without selling for so long, and even only when there is unfading interests to the project from the investors. Continue reading “Video Game Design Research Paper”

Research Paper on Transgender Children

The prevalence of transgender children and concerns that it causes in society led to the development of the diagnosis and assessment system.

According to the DSM-IV, gender identity disorder is diagnosed when there are four or more of the following symptoms:

  • repeated affirmation (persisting) about the child own affiliation to the opposite sex;
  • boys prefer to dress in women’s clothes or simulate the female style of dress; girls: insists on wearing only a stereotypically men’s wear;
  • in role play and fantasies: strong and sustainable preference of the opposite sex role;
  • a strong desire to participate in games and activities typical of the opposite sex;
  • noticeable preference to play with the children of the opposite sex.

The DSM-IV also states that to the age 18-20 about three-quarters of boys having in childhood gender identity disorder report being homosexual or bisexual, but without gender identity disorder. Most of the remaining respondents report their heterosexuality without gender identity disorders. Some teens and young adults identify themselves with opposite gender and seek sex reassignment surgery, while others continue to live in the state of gender confusion and dysphoria.

Among , psychologists and psychotherapists there is no consensus on definition of cross-gender behaviour in children. The International Association for the study of gender dysphoria, however, has published a guide, according to which this diagnosis made in childhood persist into adolescence and later only in about 1% of cases.

3-4% of total population of children demonstrate significant cross-gender behavior. Very few of those who are diagnosed gender identity disorder in childhood grow up to become transgendered. Quite often such children grow up to become gay, lesbian, or bisexual.

Studies show that a large percentage (80-70%) of gays showed during their childhood a cross-gender behavior on a scale sufficient for the diagnosis of gender identity disorder.

Work aiming at protection and support of transgender children and young people, leads to reduced levels of anxiety and stress, which first arose as a reaction to unusual forms of gender expression. Improving communication and interaction, all the parties involved in the situation came to better understanding of their own gender and resulted in increased awareness of gender problems occurring.

The international gender scene still holds the old idea of transgenderism, coupled with the belief that hormone therapy, and surgery may be needed to resolve the issue. However, in addition to these, there are new ideas about gender and new forms of its expression. In particular, fewer people decided to radically change their sex, while other, less dichotomous, forms of preferred gender expression are becoming more common. More and more people are realizing that the gender identification may last for years, decades, and sometimes for life.

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E-Retailing Research Paper

E-retailing refers to sale goods and services on the Web. E-retailing operation can be a simple reaffirmation of the desire and the opportunity to buy some goods or service using credit card and following transfer the required amount from one account to another. But it also can be very complex when, for example, to perform a transmission of information it should be carried out through the many networks.

The first examples of e-retailing have roots in banking and the process is known as “wire transfers.” In this process, the buyer authorized his Bank to make a wire transfer to an account in another bank. This process included the transfer of money across the country or to the other side of the world and is usually made by large enterprises and other independent commercial organizations. To replace the wire transfers, there were electronic means of transmitting financial information. After doing this, the banks to notified each other about transfer by telegrams, telex or email. Continue reading “E-Retailing Research Paper”

Psoriasis Research Paper

Psoriasis is a chronic, non-infectious disease, a dermatosis, which affects mainly the skin. It is now assumed to have autoimmune nature. Psoriasis is usually manifested by appearance of extremely dry red lumps, raised above the surface of the skin, the so-called papules, which merge among themselves, forming plaque. These papules are sites of chronic inflammation and abnormal proliferation of lymphocytes, macrophages, and keratinocytes of the skin, as well as excessive angiogenesis (formation of new small capillaries) in the underlying layer of the skin.

Psoriasis is a chronic disease characterized by alternating periods of spontaneous or induced by some or other therapeutic effects remission and periods of spontaneous or induced by some adverse external influences (alcohol, intercurrent infections, and stress) recurrences or exacerbations. The severity of the disease may vary in different patients and even in the same patient during periods of remission and exacerbation in a very wide range, from small local lesions to the patient’s body fully covered with psoriatic plaques. Continue reading “Psoriasis Research Paper”

Magnetic Refrigeration Research Paper

Magnetic refrigeration is a method of obtaining a temperature lower than 0.7 K. To obtain low temperatures typically liquefied gas is used. Lowering the pressure over the free surface of the liquid, you can get the temperature below the normal boiling point of the liquid. For example, the flow of nitrogen vapors can reduce temperature to the temperature of the triple point of nitrogen (63 K), by pumping hydrogen vapors (above the solid phase) you can achieve the temperature of 10 K, by helium vapor pumping (with very good conditions of the experiment) you can achieve the temperature of about 0.7 K.

In 1926, the William Francis Giauque and Peter Debye independently showed that at very low temperatures paramagnetic substances should have a great value of magnetocaloric effect and that this effect can be used to obtain low temperatures. In their first experiments in 1933, Giauque and McDougall manage to obtain the temperature of 0.25 K by demagnetizing gadolinium salts.
The method is based on the effect of heat from the paramagnetic salts at magnetizing and subsequent absorption of heat by degaussing. This allows you to get the temperature down to 0.001 K. Continue reading “Magnetic Refrigeration Research Paper”

Research Paper on Stress Management among Students

Stress is a state of the individual in extreme conditions, manifested at the physiological, psychological, and behavioral levels. It is a reaction of the organism to external stressors. Some of the stressors cause stress among students. Among them, there are school tests, admission to a higher education institution, the beginning of a new life, a new relationship with other students and many others. While studying in high school, students not only get some knowledge, but also are actively engaged in social activities. However, there in not always time to have to handle the incoming problems one at the time, so students have to deal several tasks simultaneously, which also causes stress.

It is known that most of the students are making a major effort in preparing for exams. During the examination session, the students do go tired and even may develop depression. The empirical study, using a test of academic stress, designed by J. Rough, was conducted among the students fourth year studying comparative philology. The testing took place in the middle of semester. Such factors as the academic load, strict teachers, unwillingness to study, lack of textbooks, conflicts among the students, and shared accommodation were less than expected. Continue reading “Research Paper on Stress Management among Students”