Extradition Research Paper

Extradition is a form of international cooperation in combating crime. It implies the transfer of the arrested persons suspected or accused of committing a crime (for trial), or persons already convicted by judicial authorities of another state (for execution of the judgment) by one state to another (on request). Within the United States, the term “extradition” also refers to rendition of the accused by one state to another.

As a rule, extradition is carried out on the basis of the agreement between the states concerned. This can be either a bilateral treaty or a multilateral convention between both the requesting and the requested states. The European Convention on extradition can serve as a model of such a convention.

In principle, extradition may take place without a convention, if it is provided for by the law of the requested state.
Extradition is a right of the state, but not its duty. It is a duty only when there is a bilateral treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters. Continue reading “Extradition Research Paper”

Research Paper on Extracurricular Activities

Today, colleges are experiencing a need technology for training and education of creative personality in students, which would include the goals and objectives of education and training, the forms and methods of organization of extracurricular activities, criteria for the selection and structuring its content.

Therefore, it is necessary to search means of forming creative personality in students during the whole education process, both in academic and extracurricular activities.

Extracurricular activities are less regulated and therefore represent a great opportunity for realization of creative potential in young people.

At the same time, existing approaches do not fully take into account the specificity of the formation of the personality during the extracurricular activity of the students. Continue reading “Research Paper on Extracurricular Activities”

DNA Extraction Research Paper

DNA extraction is a technique for isolating DNA from cells or tissues. Thus, extracted DNA can then be used in molecular biology research, such as sequencing, PCR, and cloning.

There are different protocols for extracting DNA, following roughly the same schematic:

  • Cell lysis
  • Removal of proteins
  • Elimination of other nucleic acids (RNA, etc.)
  • Concentration of DNA by alcohol precipitation

Different variants are used, depending on whether it is sought to extract genomic DNA (from the analyzed cells chromosomes) or plasmid DNA (from plasmids worn most often by bacterial cells such as Escherichia coli). There are now commercial kits for quickly achieving these extractions using ready to use reagents. Continue reading “DNA Extraction Research Paper”

Energy Efficiency Research Paper

Energy efficiency is an effective (rational) use of energy resources. This means using less energy to provide the same level of efficiency for household or industrial processes, achieving cost-effective efficiency in the use of fuel and energetic resources at the current level of technology development, and compliance with environment protection requirements. This branch of knowledge is at the intersection of engineering, economics, law, and sociology.

Unlike energy conservation, mostly aimed at reducing energy consumption, energy efficiency is a rational (better) energy consumption.

For the population, it means a significant reduction in utility costs, for the country, it means conserving the resources, increasing productivity and competitiveness, protecting the environment by limiting the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, for energy companies, it means reducing the fuel costs and eliminating unnecessary spending. Continue reading “Energy Efficiency Research Paper”

Dirt Bike Research Paper

The first motocross events were attended by racers using the road bikes, adapted to ride cross-country routes. Motorcycles were lightened by removing the parts unnecessary for competition: headlamps, stop lamps, luggage rack, passenger footboards, and mirrors. In addition, the motorcycle suspension was strengthened and the engine power increased.

Dirt bikes production led to evolutionary changes in the design of the motorcycles. Initially very wide handlebar, designed to increase the rotation lever, has been shortened, while the fork clearance and pendulum click were increased. Exhaust pipes, located below, were elevated to prevent their damage when the bike fall.

Reducing the engine weight and forcing its power has led to replacing of quite widespread, but a bit heavy four-stroke engines by two-stroke, easy-to-manufacture engines. Single-cylindered engines have become extremely popular. The appearance of dirt tires allowed to fundamentally improve the manageability of the motorcycle. Electric starter was replaced by the kick-starter and the battery was abolished. Continue reading “Dirt Bike Research Paper”

Research Paper on Impact of Information Technology

Today, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, we can clearly say that humanity has entered a qualitatively new phase of its development and the information age. That is the transition from the post-industrial society to the information society should be noted.

The industrial society, formed in the late 19th century, destroyed the traditional way of life of a large part of the population of Europe and led to the growth of destructive behavior, which in turn resulted in two world wars and many local conflicts: revolutions, protests, etc.

Now we are seeing the explosive proliferation of information technology and its impact on the daily life of the average person. There is a radical change in the mechanism of communication between people: live direct interaction of biological organisms is replaced by a virtual contact through the information environment of computers or cell phones. Continue reading “Research Paper on Impact of Information Technology”

Research Paper on Dangers of Speeding

One of the most common types of traffic violations is exceeding the speed limit while driving. This behavior behind the wheel is often the cause of trouble on the road; the official statistics confirms this fact: nearly a third of all accidents and other road accidents occurred due to speeding.

There are two types of violations directly related to speeding:

The driver of a motor vehicle exceeds the maximum permissible speed on the given stretch of the road, shown by the road signs, violating traffic regulations.

The driver drives faster than allowed, based on the situation on the road. In this case, the traffic police officers could not punish the driver, but the very fact that it creates a dangerous situation on the road, often becomes a sufficient punishment for a negligent driver.

Unfortunately, many drivers often do not assess objectively the speed they drive. Many potentially dangerous situations on the road are assessed by the drivers as safe or relatively safe. There are a number of psychological reasons why drivers cannot objectively assess the traffic situation. Continue reading “Research Paper on Dangers of Speeding”

Disaster Preparedness Research Paper

Disaster preparedness is a complex of activities focused on preparation to potentially hazardous factors or conditions in order to protect people and property from damaging and ensure effective reaction to the potential risks.

This complex includes preparation for a disaster or emergency situation (e.g., evacuation, quarantine, mass decontamination, etc.), material and psychological support for the disaster victims and involvement in the recovery works after natural and man-made disasters, as well as to maintain health, reduce damage to the environment and material losses, should they occur.

Disaster preparedness activity includes: Continue reading “Disaster Preparedness Research Paper”

Cultural Intelligence Research Paper

No matter what words we use trying to indicate the tasks of education in knowledge translation, reproduction of culture, its values and traditions, we will inevitably have to recognize that education reproduces the existing social order, preparing socialized, competent, and loyal participants of social life, comply with the rules, regulations, and laws in the given country.

Of course, each community has different criteria of loyalty and social adequacy of personality. However, it is difficult to imagine such pluralistic social system, where schools legally prepare offenders and violators of the dominant State order. No matter how much education is strip of an ideological bias, it may not be completely isolated from the social education of personality, more or less adapted to the current rules of the public order. On the contrary, modern cultural understanding of the elite place in the social strata system is built on the recognition of the intrinsic value of the phenomenon of social order as one of the defining cultural factors of any community. Continue reading “Cultural Intelligence Research Paper”

Research Paper on Psychoactive Drugs

Psychoactive drugs is any substance (or mixture), natural or artificial, that affects the functioning of the central nervous system, leading to some changes in mental state. These changes can be both positive and negative.
Psychoactive drugs affecting higher mental functions, often used in medicine to treat mental illnesses, are referred to as psychotropic.

Neurotropic substances are an extensive group of drugs that affect the central and peripheral nervous systems. They can oppress or facilitate the transfer of nerve excitation in the different sections of the central nervous system, reduce or increase the sensitivity of the peripheral nerves terminals, affect different types of receptors in synapses.

On the origin of psychoactive drugs are divided into vegetable, semi-synthetic (synthesized based on raw vegetable materials) and synthetic; they are classified according to their effect on the body.

Psychoactive drugs may also be divided according to their chemical structure and the effects that they have on human behavior. There are also combined classification. Continue reading “Research Paper on Psychoactive Drugs”