Dietary supplements are the most effective method to fight the deficit of vitamins, but only on the condition of the proper dosage of biological substances corresponding to the physiological needs ot the body.
If you want to prepare an interesting, argumentative, and, first of all, a successful research paper on dietary supplements, you may want consider using free example research papers on the topic. These free papers are known as good sources of the relevant data and can be used as guides on the research proposals writing.
Dietary supplements in most cases belong to the class of natural components and possess the pronounced physiological and pharmacological properties affecting the basic regulator and metabolic processes in the human organism.
The basic physiological functions of dietary supplements are:
- Regulation of fat, carbohydrate, aluminous and mineral metabolism.
- Optimization of the enzyme systems functioning.
- Antioxidant defense.
- Hormone-like activity.
- Structural components of cellular membranes.
- Regulation of the immune system functioning.
- Ensuring the processes of the cellular breathing.
- Maintenance of the electrolyte balance.
- Regulation of reproductive function and processes of embryogenesis.
- Participation is in the processes of hematogenesis.
- Maintenance of acid base balance.
- Regulation of blood coagulability.
- Regulation of myocardium excitability and vascular tone.
- Synthesis of connecting tissue.
- Regulation of nervous activity.
- Maintenance of natural microflora in bowels.
- Detoxification and biotransformation of xenobiotics.