In July, 1964, after the long months of hard debates in both chambers of the Congress, the civil rights act finally was adopted, which was proposed earlier by the late President John Kennedy. This act is one of the most important legislative acts in the history of the USA. “A giant step forward,” – believes so Roy Wilkins, an executive secretary for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). “Not a single legislative event of this century went so far to the matter of protection of human rights,” – said President Johnson, whose vigorous support played a significant role in the introduction of the act.
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Many political figures from South, including Wallis, the governor of the Alabama state, Russel, the senator from Georgia and Turmond, the senator from South Carolina, insistingly assert the contrary. They declare that a new act lets the federal bodies to interfere in those issues that according to the US Constitution are the State governments prerogative. However, these critics appeared to be in minority both in Congress and throughout the country. Questioning of public opinion showed that 70% of Americans welcomed the act. Continue reading “Research Paper on Civil Rights Act of 1964”