Communism is the actual movement that overcame/abolished capitalism. Its replay, its revival, its reformulation, its updating, its recondition from its existing passes by the flourishing of each as a condition to the development of all.
Use free sample research papers on democracy vs communism to learn that the power here is the power of the people. Yes, but the people is association of the citizens, looking for the creation and construction of best live and the source of wellbeing inside each of us. The meaning of the common good, more or less present in everyone of us, pulls the thread of communism. The sense of the common good, it is what communism is all about.
The communists do not take power, they want to be able to act. Communists do not seek the seizure of power, but are in quest to allow everyone to be a link in the chain to change the society, passing through a critical assessment of what we have done so far. This assesment is a springboard for overcoming the obstacles and not a tribune for judgment. Communists are free; they act according to their knowledge, enlightenment and are changing and evolving constantly. Communists do not fight against the people, but against a system. They do not think, they act collectively for the good of all. Continue reading “Research Paper on Communism vs Democracy”