Ulcerous Colitis Research Paper

Ulcerous colitis is a large bowel chronic recurrent disease of unknown aetiology, being characterized by hemorragic-festering inflammation of the large bowel with development of local and system complications.

Try free sample research papers on the topic to learn that exact data about prevalence of ulcerous colitis is difficult to get because often easy cases remain untaken into account, especially in the initial period of disease. These patients, as a rule, are observed in the unspecialized ambulatory establishments and are difficult to account.

Ulcerous colitis is most widely widespread in the urbanized countries, in particular in Europe and North America. In these regions, the frequency of origin of ulcerous colitis (primary morbidity) veries from 4 to 20 cases on 100 000 population, averaging 8-10 cases on 100 000 habitants in a year. Prevalence of ulcerous colitis (quantity of patients) is 40-117 patients on 100 000 habitants with the most number of cases on the age of 20-40. The second peak of morbidity is registered in the senior age-related group after 55. The greatest indexes of death rate are marked during the first year of progression of the disease because of cases with extremely heavy quick development and ten years after the beginning due to development in a number of the patients colorectal cancer. Continue reading “Ulcerous Colitis Research Paper”

Cystic Fibrosis Research Paper

Cystic fibrosis or mucoviscidosis is a systemic inherited disease, caused by the mutation of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) and characterized by exocrine gland involvement, and heavy disorders in the functions of breathing organs.

College and university writers looking for preparing interesting and argumentative research proposal on cystic fibrosis have to do their best to take into account all the various aspects of the given topic and make all their efforts to bring some new ideas on the subject. To better understand the chosen topic, it may be useful to look through some free sample research papers written by skilful and experienced professionals not giving any reasons to doubt its relevancy.

70% of cases of the disease are diagnosed during the first two years of life. With introduction of newborn screening the time of exposure considerably reduced.

There are the following clinical forms of cystic fibrosis: Continue reading “Cystic Fibrosis Research Paper”

Soil Erosion Research Proposal

Soil erosion is the process of the soil degradation or the reduction of the soil’s quality under the effect of different factors. Evidently, soil is one of the most valuable resources on the planet, because without its qualities plants will not grow and as a result the variety of life on Earth would be quite poor, because there would no grass-eating animals and insects and the consumption chain would be not so varied. It does not worth mentioning that soil requires hundreds and thousands of years for its creation and development, because microorganisms which produce soil from the organic materials do not fulfil this duty rapidly. So, it is obvious that the humanity has to protect and maintain the quality of soils; otherwise people will simply die from hunger, when there is collapse of agriculture. The soil’s quality can be reduced because of the water and wind erosion and the anthropogenic activity.

Soil erosion under effect of wind occurs when the area is not protected by any natural shelters or barriers, like trees of high rocks. When the surface is flat and the wind is strong, the most productive and valuable upper layers of soil are blown away and the area becomes infertile and can suffer from deserting. Water is also dangerous for soils, because it washes away its upper layers as well as the wind does. That is why coastal areas always resemble deserts as there is no fertile soil there. Moreover, when the territory suffers from floods or running streams of water from the hills, it also becomes infertile, because the layers of soil are washed away into the lowlands. Continue reading “Soil Erosion Research Proposal”

Capitalism Research Paper

Capitalism is an economic system of production and distribution, based on the concept of private property, universal legal equality and freedom of enterprise. A main criterion for making economic decisions is pursuit of capital increase and collecting profit.

The concept of Capitalism is an economic abstraction, stressing the most distinctive features of economy for a particular period of its development and discarding the less significant ones. The real life economy was never based only on private property and did not give complete freedom of enterprise. To some extent there were always features unusual for capitalism, that is estates of the realm; limits on the property possession, including limits on the sizes of the real estate or land lots; customs barriers; competition law and so on. A part from them is a heritage of previous epochs, and other part is the development of capitalism itself.

The Oxford dictionary of English marks that word “capitalism” was first used in 1854 by a novelist William Makepeace Thackeray for denotation of the totality of terms for possession a capital. In 1867, in his work “Capital,” Carl Marx used a term “capitalism” for denotation of the capitalist method of production, and also a “capitalist” as a proprietor of capital. For denotation of the economic system first the term was used in 1884, in the “Best times” by Due. Continue reading “Capitalism Research Paper”

Research Paper on Moses

The existence of Moses, and also veracity of the Exodus is the reason for debates among archaeologists, egyptologists and the experts on the Bible criticism with reference to new archaeological proofs, historical certificates, and also corresponding myths of origin in a Canaanite culture. Biblical study usually date his life in XV-XIII BC, mainly binding to the Pharaohs of the XVIII and XIX dynasties: Akhenaten, Ramesses II, Merneptah.

If you are looking to prepare a successful research paper on Moses, use free sample research papers on the topic helping you understand that according to the Book of Exodus, Moses was born when his people increased in quantity and the Egyptian Pharaoh was disturbed by that they can help the enemies of Egypt. When the Pharaoh ordered to kill all new-born boys, Moses mother, Jochebed hid him in a small basket and left it flowing in the water of the Nile river. A small basket was soon found by Pharaoh’s daughter who decided to adopt the child. After a murder of Egyptian slaveholder, Moses escaped to Midiam, where he ran into God of Israel as a burning bush. Continue reading “Research Paper on Moses”

Research Proposal on Human Wildlife Conflict

Human-wildlife conflict is the conflict which occurs between the human being and the representatives of the wildlife. This type of conflict has always existed in the natural environment, because it is obvious that animals of different species treat the human being as an opponent, threat or a target for hunting. For thousands of years people were the target of predators and from their own side – they were predators for herbivorous animals. The conflicts occur even nowadays, when the human being becomes a threat to the well-being of the wild animals and vice versa. The issue can be observed from the point of view of the opposite sides – the supporters of the animal wildlife and the supporters of the anthropological activity. First of all, it is possible to observe the problem from the point of view of the human being. Many people think that the human life is much more valuable that the life of an animal but they forget that they have to appreciate the animal’s life as well.

As a result, animals are hunted and tortured for fun and the majority of animals can not protect themselves against the human threat. It is easy to understand the nature of human-wildlife conflict, because the majority of these conflicts occur because of the human activity. If the human enters the habitat of the wild animal, it becomes protecting its territory by all means causing harm to the opponent – the human being. People have to pay attention to the areas they enter; about the reduction of the wild places, forests, lands for the wildlife if they want to reduce the chance of being attacked. Continue reading “Research Proposal on Human Wildlife Conflict”

Long Term Evolution Research Paper

Long Term Evolution (LTE) is a project by 3GPP consortium for improvement of existing mobile communication technologies CDMA, UMTS. These improvements can, for example, to make these standards faster, more efficiency, bring down the costs, extend and improve the already rendered services, and also integrate with already existent protocols. Theoretically, LTE data rate reaches up to 326,4 Mbit/s (up to Gbps with the equipment for the commercial use) for the data download and 172,8 Mbit/s for the data upload; while the standard allows 173 Mbit/s for the reception and 58 Mbit/s for the upload.

Free sample research paper on Long Term Evolution topic can be an excellent choice if used as a guide on the complex procedure of presenting the results of your investigation on paper, according to the set of rules for the proper scientific text writing. These free papers as well may help you collecting necessary data for your research project.

If written properly by skilful and experienced writer they will teach how to prepare, collect, structure outline, and conclude your research proposal. Continue reading “Long Term Evolution Research Paper”

Essay on Being Materialistic

Being materialistic to me means to be a realist. For me, it is to seek rapid and certain results. I don’t believe there is any sense in protracted study of a question, long discussion. Being materialistic means to be a doer. A person that plans and corrects his actions in process.

Full of beans, mobile, irrepressible, quite often such a person differs in choleric temperament. Usually, it is an experimenter. During short time able to set forth a few original and fresh ideas. Gets irritated, if he not immediately is understood, as there is no time for him to explain his position. His reasoning: “There is no time for long thinking. All is clear. Let’s do it!”

He loves new methods of work, approaches, terms, information.

Being materialistic is to be a democratic and sociable person who easily contacts people from an auxiliary personnel to the top-management of the company. Continue reading “Essay on Being Materialistic”

Research Proposal on Gender Disparity

Gender disparity is the phenomenon of division of the human beings according to the male and female gender and dedication of the social roles on the basis of the human gender. Historically, male gender was always dominant in the human society. Men had all possible rights and freedoms, while women were supposed to fulfill the role of the mother and maintenance of the peace and security of the household. Gender disparity is also closely connected with gender based violence, like sex trafficking and forced marriages, which still exist in the human society. Nowadays, the problem of gender disparity is partially solved, because women have the same rights and duties as men have, but still prejudices have remained and women feel the effect of gender inequality in numerous spheres of human life. First of all it is domestic violence.

When the woman reports about the accident of this kind to the police, the call is most often treated not seriously. Speaking about career making, women still have problems, because the majority of bosses and managers of the highest links are men and they do not treat female employees as the equal ones, believing the quality of their work and the entire approach toward the work is poor. Then, in many countries young women still have problems with the free access to education, occupation of the professions connected with technologies and “man’s work”, like drivers, IT administrators, etc. Gender disparity is often not limited by simple prejudice but with the real sex discrimination, for example, the woman can not be employed just because she is a woman (in spite of the fact that she is well-educated and skilful expert). Continue reading “Research Proposal on Gender Disparity”

Research Paper on School Dress Codes

School dress code is a set of regulations for students for wearing their uniform during their being at school and on official school events out of school. There are different points of view on that, whether a compulsory dress code is needed in general.

If you are willing to write a decent research paper on school dress code it would be usefull to look throgh some free sample papers on the topic, which can teach that the basic opinions and supporting them reasons are the following:

  • School uniform, as well as any uniform, disciplines students, improves solidarity, creates in the students feeling of community, collectivism, common cause and general goals.
  • School uniform eliminates (or at least, limits) possibility of competition between students (and between their parents) on the quality of dressing and thus on income level, considerably reduces a visual difference between students from families of different material sufficiency, preventing stratification on the rich/poor principle.
  • If school dress code is accepted at state level, it allows to guarantee that the clothing of schoolchildren will comply with the sanitary-hygenic requirements of the institution and will not affect negatively student health.
  • School dress code allows to subsidize its production, keeping low prices and taking off from poor families part of burden of charges on educating of their children.

Continue reading “Research Paper on School Dress Codes”